Author Topic: Random Fact  (Read 22877 times)

February 03, 2010, 12:58:59 PM
Reply #225


  • some will, some won't, so what... next!!
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people in jamestown[1st american colony] were required to grow marijuana, by law.
between stimulus and response there is a moment, in that moment you decide your future!

February 03, 2010, 02:26:36 PM
Reply #226


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Side effects: For many, smoking dope is as natural and everyday as a brew of hot tea, and they find the drug helps make their life a little less stressful without unduly affecting their judgement or abilities.

For others it can have quite the opposite effect, turning ordinary folk into unbearable, spaced out, lazy hippies. A night of industrial strength spliffing can transform you into a giggling oaf who will burst into laughter at wholly unamusing incidents and find deep intellectual depth in the Spice Girls' lyrics.

Your trousers and sofa will become riddled with burn marks from dropped spliffs, and you will have to face the regular dilemma of being hit with the munchies at 3am only to find that you were too out of it to get the shopping in.

This can result in regular users turning into lazy gits whose crap diet turns their body into a most unattractive proposition.