nice topic!
"psionics" is my main purpose in life.. actually this is a very rare old book which covers all the possible future which came true: credit card system,barcode, UKACO, radionics, government etc.... some sort of scientific and paranormal partly. i had this once but my friend lost it while being borrowed. i had it written up some great part of this book btw. this is my future plans.
psionics = psi(mind or magic) + ionics(or machine)
which leads to decoding psychic language to machine. the great part of it is that i was a psychic healer from my teen life. i am part of a secret group in my country name CKS aka club of knowledge seekers. its founder's father is the one who brings up the the "sylvia mind conrol program" or the alpha level of conciousness to the philippines. now as the sub-level of philippine information agency to which it is made legal to search information in such areas prohibited to normal people. the CKS is for internal knowledge not found on websites, books and known paranormal groups. psionics or radionics is already existing today, but much more on the electronic side. i wish i could lived up my life to finish my experiments when i grow old. now, im currently so busy for my career growth and money to which i am currently short. my name psionics is what i am and not related to nunchaku.
"hapuzi" is my cybername and used it from playing counter-strike, i got this one from random keystrokes and mild edit. i need a name which is unique.. a real name without relation to existing names. i dont wanna relate it to anything like "Hey! Pussy!" its nothing but a name. now, im gonna use it for a comical character.. this would be a demon hapuzi. an entity which came from the negative thoughts of people. but this is just a plan or idea.
Howard Lee is my real name, it should be "Li" but same thing with Matt, the government changed it to Lee. only my father has the "Lee", his brothers is still "Li". Our ancentor according to my father is genghis khan (i dunno the spelling). i maybe related to jet li, but not bruce lee.. i dunno..