first you have to know that when I was a kid, most of the boys my age made up "codenames" or nicknames they called themselves or introduce themselves as. I went through a few weird ones but I didn't keep most of them.
When I founded my parkour team back in high school, I kinda introduced this idea that the name your born with is simply what your parents choose to call you. that you should go by what YOU call YOURSELF. you can choose anything you like, first,middle, last name, a nickname, a spiritual name, a screen name, anything.
at that time I was Squall. I always enjoyed that name, being it was what I used in ceramonies back in my pagan days. then...I droped it because of the similarities between me and the videogame charater (final fantasy 8 / squall lionheart). I had deleted my old e-mails, and was changing my facebook at the time. so one day it came to me while staring at the clouds day dreaming.
Odd = my unconventional personality. I've always been recognized as weird, bizzare, akward, and VERY unique. I was bullied in school for acting different, but I did it cause I always follow my heart and be myself. so nowadays, I wear the title "freak" with pride.
Storm = I'm a HUGE nerd when it comes to things like elements, mythology, astrology, and things like that. I've always felt like I associated with Wind and many of my habits and my overall personality had been described as being that of an "air type"...even though I'm a leo (fire sign). I feel most comfortable when its raining or cloudy outside. I've study meteorology since childhood (early pilot job fantasy) and most importantly, some of my most productive, impressive, and most EPIC experiences and sessions in using the nunchaku have been during severe thnderstorms.
[Odd+Storm = Oddstorm (Fourteen is my favorite/lucky number) two words (odd/storm) 14/2 = 7 ] = Oddstorm7