Author Topic: what does your username mean?  (Read 48006 times)

December 18, 2007, 12:05:31 AM
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thought this would be a fun little topic to see the meaning behind all those creative usernames!!!  :respect:

ill start.

mrschux = M.R.S. are my initials, chux is my hobby.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2007, 01:14:06 AM by mrschux »

December 18, 2007, 12:47:32 AM
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karatevideoguy is what I do for a living  . . . if you can call this a living

December 18, 2007, 03:07:49 AM
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GM - my initials
Guyver - one of my favourite manga's and also what I got called by a few people when I was at school years ago.

Nothing too imaginative about mine then.  :-)

Btw nice idea mrschux,

December 18, 2007, 04:14:54 AM
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Good topic dude, Ive been wondering what some of your SNs  ment
Mines not original at all. Rc is my first and middle initial and True is my last name.
 :chuck: :lil: :ninja2: :matrix: :dart :eyebrow

December 18, 2007, 06:27:29 AM
Reply #4


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I got my nickname from my grandmother (who passed away just recently, god bless her soul)
I don't know how she got "Yayu" from Ryan but I guess it stuck with me pretty well.

But sadly I just found out on youtube that there's some weird Yaoi (Homosexual Anime fan stuff) Yugi-oh videos with my name as a title. Supposedly it's some abbreviation: Yami + Yugi = Yayu? :complain

December 18, 2007, 07:35:38 AM
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My username has kind of a weird meaning. I was really obsessed with the Elephant Man ( ) a few years ago. I read every piece of literature about him I could find. I was going through a rough time in my life, and I suppose I looked at him like a kindred spirit of sorts. Anyway, I abbreviated that, then added a "t" to the end because I thought that sounded better. But that name was taken on youtube, so I added "24," which is my birthday in April. I wanted my forum name to be the same as my youtube name so it would be easier for you guys to find my videos. And that's the story of my rather bizarre name.

Sorry about your grandma, Yayu. I lost my grandfather this year.

December 18, 2007, 08:08:49 AM
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Dragon Long

My username is actually taken from one of the character in Dragon Tiger Gate film...
The only character that use nunchaku as his main weapon...
He's always bring his nunchaku everywhere he go (his boot have a special pocket to put his nunchaku on both of his leg)... :chuck:

December 18, 2007, 10:28:35 AM
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Irawynn is NOT my real name  :-P one of the members (dont know who.) asked me from wich country my name came  :bang: :doh

so Irawynn is my nickname i use all over the net just look up on google, you will find vids, games, Websites of me, everything !!


and then if you look up for picture you find porn  :-o i was shoked myself when i found this out but actualy it s because one of my blog was bombed by spam and then somehow my website link appeared on a porn site where someone bombed it too with all sort of website link (inculded mine)

Quote from: +18
:bang: :bang: :bang:

But so Irawynn is just my name translated into elvish (you know the little guys in Lord of the rings :p)

 :thumb: :thumb:

December 18, 2007, 01:03:35 PM
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mines just an abbreviation of my name,,
 Matt Csesznyak is my full name, it was previously Zymonyak, but had to be changed to escape detection during world war 2 when my grandfather fled Austria.
 his sister was shot and he was put into a camp even though he wasn't Jewish (he never talked about why), where he and 3 of his friends escaped after about 2 weeks of imprisonment, one of his friends was captured, another froze to death in a ditch where they hid for a night, the other one just went his separate ways, so i don't know where he ended up, but my grandfather somehow made it to england, (missing a few toes :P)

so,, i put my name as chez so it can be roughly understood, seems most people cant pronounce Csesznyak!!
Nunchucka mutha fucka.
Like my Post? so does your mother,

December 18, 2007, 01:11:13 PM
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hmmm know that this is gonna be interesting folks...=\

lets start with the PV its and abbreviation of my step-dad's buisness which builds the good ol' fashion cars, dont know why but he named this buisness Pure Vision.
some of you may see it in a car magazine or some thin..he mostly does custom cars and all that jazz, like once, he built the first muscle car with paddle shifters.  was REALLY cool.
i could go on about this but this about (read above) usernames.. pm me for more info and stuff...

The Hot Rod part...well i just explained that i guess O.o

and lastly is the monkey part
it was right before i made my email account that i found out what my animal was in the chinese zodiac, I'm a 1992 man myself so that plops me right guessed it, THE MONKEY thus making it my favorite animal (go figure)

and that folks is the story of my wicked cool user name

Like my post?...........oh..

December 18, 2007, 04:59:00 PM
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Errrm I was looking for a new new alias and some suggested it while messing around with letters. I thought it was cool... :D

December 18, 2007, 05:40:01 PM
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When I was signing up for my first e-mail address (aged about 12) I asked for

Surprisingly, that was already taken.

I started trying alternative spellings


I used as my alias for online games and forums ever since.
Also, as Chris is a fairly common name a lot of people have me saved as Kriz on their mobiles so I get it in txt messages a lot too.

December 18, 2007, 06:35:19 PM
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nice topic!

"psionics" is my main purpose in life.. actually this is a very rare old book which covers all the possible future which came true: credit card system,barcode, UKACO, radionics, government etc.... some sort of scientific and paranormal partly. i had this once but my friend lost it while being borrowed. i had it written up some great part of this book btw. this is my future plans.

psionics = psi(mind or magic) + ionics(or machine)

which leads to decoding psychic language to machine. the great part of it is that i was a psychic healer from my teen life. i am part of a secret group in my country name CKS aka club of knowledge seekers. its founder's father is the one who brings up the the "sylvia mind conrol program" or the alpha level of conciousness to the philippines. now as the sub-level of philippine information agency to which it is made legal to search information in such areas prohibited to normal people. the CKS is for internal knowledge not found on websites, books  and known paranormal groups. psionics or radionics is already existing today, but much more on the electronic side. i wish i could lived up my life to finish my experiments when i grow old. now, im currently so busy for my career growth and money to which i am currently short. my name psionics is what i am and not related to nunchaku.

"hapuzi" is my cybername and used it from playing counter-strike, i got this one from random keystrokes and mild edit. i need a name which is unique.. a real name without relation to existing names. i dont wanna relate it to anything like "Hey! Pussy!" its nothing but a name. now, im gonna use it for a comical character.. this would be a demon hapuzi. an entity which came from the negative thoughts of people. but this is just a plan or idea.

Howard Lee is my real name, it should be "Li" but same thing with Matt, the government changed it to Lee. only my father has the "Lee", his brothers is still "Li". Our ancentor according to my father is genghis khan (i dunno the spelling). i maybe related to jet li, but not bruce lee.. i dunno..
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December 18, 2007, 08:11:27 PM
Reply #13


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Alright, time to explain my username.

Ex: stands for "(going) out (of)"
mortem: simply means "death"

Well, I got in contact with a PC when I was only four years old. Since then I really missed a lot social contact in my life.
After I've stopped wasting my time in playing computer games for hours (12-14yrs) I closed a chapter in my life.
The process of "going out of death" (or getting active instead of wasting time) is what my username represents.

Of course it also brought some positive aspects (unlimited access to information, learning how to use a computer, getting in contact with people anonymously ...) but it's really hard to work against the negative aspects. Today I'm very optimistic about my future.

PS: The Nunchaku does help me to build additional self-confidence, it's nice to discover your own potential and peoples' reaction about it. It's good to know that there's something in your life where you can't fall back.

That's my story :)

December 18, 2007, 08:43:39 PM
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This is one of the coolest topics Ive seen in a long time. Thanks for starting it. Thats insane about your Grandpa Matt, He must of been one tough fellow.