Here's my "still unfinished" custom made nunchucks. I'm still missing the last ingredient of my project and it's been a week now searching for that part in local hardware stores. I don't know what it's called, but I used to have that thing before.... it's like a double connector which you can attach a chain or cord, it swivels or rotate and it's a good substitute if you don't have a ball bearing type connector.....

1. 12inch Aluminum Seat post/handle from a Bicycle (I use the BMX type)
2. Reflective sticker (bought from a Bicycle Shop)
3. The missing materials.....

4. Chain or Cord (choose your own preference)
5. Nut, Bolts and Screws
6. Epoxy Cement - Optional
7. Coins or other materials for weight purposes (optional)
8. PVC 20mm 1inch length
9. PVC 15mm 1inch length
10. PVC cement
11. Tape and Nylon Cable Ties
1. Drill - will be needed to create a hole for the Nuts, Bolts, and Screws
2. Clamp - just to hold the baton while drilling a hole (optional)
3. Pin Vise - Ideal for light job only, often use in some modelling kits.
4. Steel Saw
INSTRUCTIONS - Custom made Nunchaku with Cord Kit System.
1. From the top of the baton, and around half-inch, I drilled a small hole for the screws.
2. 20mm diameter PVC (blue) and 15mm diameter PVC (white) cut into 1inch. (use sanding paper to smooth some surface)
3. Use PVC cement to bond the blue PVC and white PVC (blue pvc-outer, white pvc-inner) and let it dry.
4. Since there's a small space gap between the PVC to the baton when inserted inside, apply small amount of tape to serve as a gap filler.
5. Remove the PVC from Baton.
6. Cut the rope to your desire length or liking. In my case, I want to make it 5inch in length when connected to both Baton. Add 1inch for the PVC length, add another 2inch for the end part. Do the same to the other end side part. That's 2+1+5+1+2 = 11inches (total length of the cord)
NOTE: The 2inch allowance is for when you decide to lengthen the cord from 5 to 6 inches.
7. Insert the rope inside the PVC, and just leave a 2inch excess length and at the end of the 1inch PVC pipe.
8. Insert the bearing (bicycle's axle part) from the 2inch excess part, facing to the PVC. The ball bearing and PVC
should be touching each other.
9. Bend/Fold the 2inch excess end of the rope to form like a letter "U" shape. Tape it and use nylon cable ties to secure.
10. Cut a small transparency film or acetate paper or anything similar. It's just a stopper so the rope won't fall down unless you want to make your nunchucks to be collapseable or can combine into one long baton only. Then use tape to secure.
11. Do the same on the other end side of the rope, but before you do that you can use a shrink tube as an optional protection. Then your Cord Kit System is Finish.
12. Insert the other side end part of the PVC into the Baton, Once it's snugly fitted into the Baton, drill a hole to the PVC from both sides. Since it's a light job only, ive use "Pin Vise" only - It's a small drill like pen device.
13. Screw the Baton and PVC to lock and secure, then cut the remaining excess part. (optional only)
14. OPTIONAL - cut the desire length of the screws (remove the head part) make a slice or mark to the side of the screws which server as your new head. So, you can use a Flat Head Screwdriver (precision tools) if you want to screw/unscrew your kit for later repairs....
This is the Cord Kit System, It allows you more swivel function or rotating action. (theoretically speaking)
You can remove(unscrew) the whole Cord Kit, and put it in a 8" or 14inch baton.
Heat shrink or shrink tube - serves as a protection to the rope from friction of the pvc pipe when rotating.

Been testing this custom made nunchucks for a week now, and so far, so good, still no signs of problem. Have also dropped it for a couple of times and still works fine..... Hope this thing will last a year!
You can try my project if you find it useful....
Thanks for Looking!