70 Odd Questions
What is your middle name?
De Leon
What color is your mailbox?
Rusty Brown
Are you single?
Have you ever hit a deer?
not yet.. but I've already eat one
Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home?
nope, i have no cars
What color is your room?
I don't have a room yet.. but currently "white"
Do you have a small driveway?
Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you?
nobody has the same ringtone as mine.. i use the one in heat.net's "new msg" from the old days
What do you do first in the morning?
eat bread or drink tea or smoke..
What brand is your printer?
Lexmark but no ink
Do you enjoy fighting with people?
nope.. if there's a fight I am into, it should be in a form of pushing the truth
Is your hair naturally straight or curly?
Who was your kindergarten teacher?
ozzy osborne? i dunno..
Are you taller than your mom?
What curse word do you say the most when your pissed?
grow up ignorant fool! you think in small terms!
Are you God?
We can consider.. as we are the highest level of the animals..
Do you like someone?
most of the girls i like are already pregnant now.. too bad

Do you enjoy writing in colored pens?
yes indeed
Does anything hurt on your body right now?
my pocket.. it is part of my being hehe
Do you often cry during a movie?
not so much
Last phone call you received?
my friend.. asking how to configure his windows mobile phone to a wifi router
Last text message?
from a friend in my paranormal group
Do you hate your life?
yez.. indeed.. so much.. and i know its dumb but if your in my situation.. you can feel why..
Do you get mad easily?
nope.. except seeing a person being beaten by ignorants
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Are you cold?
yes.. how'd you know?
Do any of your friends have kids?
yes.. *frown*
Do you know anyone that is pregnant right now?
yes.. 1 of my childhood friend's wife
Who should pay on the first date?
I'm practical so it depends on the person provided the info and settle it up..
How many years older than you are you willing to date?
any.. age doesn't matter.. it depends on the quality (hehe)
Do you have any friends?
I have thousands.. but only 10+ best friends
Do you have any mean friends?
yes.. alot.. they are my reference
What is the ugliest color to wear in your opinion?
when your skin is white, it looks better to wear dark colors.. but when your skin is dark, wear a non-neon.. or else.. it looks ugly.. but it depends on how you color match your clothing. your skin tone and your body structure must be included when matching your clothes. in color, size and theme of occasion.
Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate?
yeah.. but i realized it already now
Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff, seriously?
Have you ever contemplated suicide?
11 times already, when i was at young age
Do you scratch your ears?
yeah.. how'd you know?
Who was the last person to hug you?
most of my friends do it all the time.. but recently, my best friend
What brand are the pant/jeans you're wearing right now?
I do not wear branded pants.. you have brains right? it doesn't change anything when you wear one.
How tall are you?
What is the closest green object?
my Tshirt? how'd you know?
If you were born the opposite sex, what would your parents name you?
helen i think
Do you want to have kids?
nope.. but by chances.. if any.. just 1
What is the brightest color you're wearing?
orange.. i just like the combination when wearing dark pants
Who is the friend you have that you would never have expected to have?
all my friend girls and 1 of the congressman of our country.. i didn't expect that
Who do you hate the most right now?
ignorant people who hurts the innocents blindly.. also.. the corrupt people in the government.. and the traditional people who never learn..
What kind of car do you want?
a hutch back honda.. or bmw(not bmx lol)
What is your favorite video game?
Metal Gear (Solid) series.. i have alot of list of favs.
Do you like your dad?
Fking hate him.. but i respect(coz i am educated)
Do you have any TV shows on DVD?
yep.. but not mine
Are you wearing make-up?
in my college days, i wear eye-liners as i am a gothic kid those days hehehe i wanna be different from those complacent dudes around the school.. but never make-ups
Do you have a tattoo?
yes.. but its so mild.. that it is gone now
Have you ever broken a pinata?
meow.. were am I?
What time is it right now?
Its 3:21am ~ insomia
Do you know how to draw?
yes.. very much
Who loves orange soda?
I drink it sometimes.. but it doesn't mean i love those trash
Who did you last IM?
Do you work a lot of hours?
Unemployed right now.. but a consultant of 2 companies and being paid.. also a freelancer IT dude.. just enjoying my time now while I still had no regular work
Where were you in the last 24 hours?
@ best friend home.. fighting dragon ball z in PS2.. fixed a china mobile phone, Setup other friend's Wifi Router and connect 3 laptops, 1 PC, 1 windows mobile phone to the wifi router. call a friend whose just arrived in vacation here from U.K. (non-nunchukers)
Who was the last person that called you?
Again? just like the earlier question (Last phone call you received?) if talking about phone calls
if literally "called".. it was my bed whose calling me to sleep..
Is there anything you regret?
if theres anything to regret, i regret being a slave of ignorance..
Do you know where your family name originated from?
Philippines or China..
Is there an animal that creeps you out?
nope.. only insects.. umm.. there is one.. it is called "sigbin".. a mystical creature here.. google it..
What is your favorite color ON A CAR?
sleek dark grey
Do you use digital or film cameras?
I used to be a school newspaper photographer and layout artist.. I have a SLR film camera and 1 digital camera(broken)
Do you own an iPod?
my brother.. iPod is for rich people
Have you ever been on a charter bus?
maybe yes.. if your talking about our local version..
Do you like going to water parks?
If there's a reason to go.. why not. but i hate a vacation when you're with troublesome people.