I still have all my old Pokemon cards. And action figures. And Star Wars memorabilia. And a closet literally full of comic books. I've also made my own video games.
If there was a nerd smiley, I would use it. 
what kinda games have you made dude?
I'm working on a old school final fantasy 6 style RPG at the moment, Ive only got about 5 hours of gameplay (around 8 hrs counting battles) it starts with 2 young lowlife thieves called Shifty and Bosh who both use nunchaku as their main weapon, Ive done about 120 separate map's including dungeons world map's and towns, over 400 separate events and about 30 kickass cutscenes! its taken me about 8 months so far and I'm planning to make it even bigger and longer than the average 50 hour FF games. (most of that time was me getting used to programming events and designing battle animations) should be finished somewhere around 2010
i just always wanted an epic RPG with my name on it as Ive played the FF games to death and i know what i like!
not named it yet though, i think I'm going to wait until its all done before i decide.
(nerd alert much?)
p.s. oh yeah,, ive still got all my pokemon cards too, and i got all 151 (including the japanese imported "Mew") on the origional red n blue gameboy games