I think, Kriztov made some video on how to cord his nunchuku... there's also erniessudolab on how to triple cord your nunchucks..... sorry, too lazy to search for the link.....
1) What diametre (3,6 mm e.t.c) cord do you use?
- for me, it depends on what size/diamater of the holes from the nunchaku..... if the holes are a bit bigger, you can opted for thick cords (it's also depends on your preference and style)..... I've used an almost 5mm thick nylon cord on my nunchaku!
2) Any particular type of cord (paracord e.t.c)?
- I have a cord from one of those camping gear accessories, but then bought from a local hardware store a white 4/5mm thick nylon cord, it's simple, and has a nice look and feel!
3) How do you string yours (1 string, 2 string e.t.c)?
- I use 1 thick cord for my Aluminium nunchucks, co'z it has a swivel/rotate function.....
- It also depends on the style of your nunchux, I have 2 string on my other chux, and 3 string on the other one chux and they're all braided style.... (just my preference)
4) Where do you get your cord?
- got mine from a local hardware store
5) How do you finish it up, if knots or melting how and where on the chucks?
- I have chux, that I melted the two ends for stronger bonds.... and I have nunchucks that I didn't even try to melt, knot, or glue it since it's thick, it snug perfectly from the holes.....
6) And roughly how much is it for the cord you get?
- got it cheaper and it's also a long one..... probably, with my style of cording I can do more or less 20 nunchux..... (maybe, you can also find cheaper from your local HW store)
My knowledge, skills, and style in nunchaku are basic...... so, I semi-thick cord works best for me. Since you guyz are on the advance level, i'm not quite sure if a thick cord will work on your trickz and style!
Not sure, if this would be a great help to you, but have posted some pics..... (got the idea from dodo23762)

with melted ends at the back of the cord.....