Author Topic: Converting Three-Section staff to Nunchucks?  (Read 2198 times)

October 19, 2008, 03:02:28 PM
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I think in many countries where owning nunchucks is not legal, the three-section staff is legal.

Has anyone tried sawing a three-section staff, and obtaining two nunchucks from it?
Would it work? Or is the way that three-section staff chained together not practical for nunchaku?

October 19, 2008, 03:21:20 PM
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well, depends on the staff, some have extra rings on the connecting chain. And you'd have to cut it down to nunchaku length as the sticks on a sansetsukon are each about 2ft long, whereas a nunchaku is usually about 1ft.

To be honest for the amount of work involved to get a fairly naff set of chucks, you may aswell make your own from scratch.Check out the DIY boards of the forum for tips on how to do this.
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October 19, 2008, 08:00:30 PM
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I think all 3 peices of a 3 sectioned staff are the same length. So if you did saw it, you'd be left with two pairs of chucks like this:


I.E one stick much longer than the other.

October 19, 2008, 08:02:02 PM
Reply #3

Wild Industry

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I think all 3 peices of a 3 sectioned staff are the same length. So if you did saw it, you'd be left with two pairs of chucks like this:


I.E one stick much longer than the other.
Presumably he means cutting one section off. Maybe not, though, if he looks forward to "obtaining two nunchucks from it."

October 19, 2008, 08:08:16 PM
Reply #4


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sansetsukons are normall 3 X 2ft sticks. So if he cuts the middle one in half, and lops 1ft off each end stick, he will in effect have 2 nunchaku with sticks 1ft long. Or thereabouts.

Still seems easier to make your own to me.
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October 19, 2008, 08:08:51 PM
Reply #5


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he cut the middle section, he gets two OOOOOOOO-----OOO
then he cut the long section, he gets two chux plus two sticks which he can connect to make a third chuck
but depend on the sanjiegun he has

October 19, 2008, 08:24:46 PM
Reply #6

Heru Pyrkagia

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so yeah i guess it is possible. how much are spending on your 3 piece? cause making your own may be less expensive to just get the raw materials than to buy a 3 piece and start hacking away. hell, bever made a pair of quite usable chux out of colored pencils...

October 21, 2008, 12:09:12 PM
Reply #7


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I'm not that good at making things and woodworking y'see  :?

I imagine if 3 section staff can be represented in this way:


I could saw like this:

1111  |   1111---2222  |  2222---3333  |   3333

                   ^ 1 nunchuck   ^ 2 nunchuck

I wasn't actually going to do it, since I do have chucks.
It was just an idea if one wanted to buy a set of sticks already joined securely together with a cord or chain, and saw them into nunchaku size.

Three section staff are often legal in countries where nunchucks are not.