FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
Why are some people a sensei, and i am just a student?This is related to the number of post they have made:
Silent Student 0
Student 1 - 25
Apprentice 25 - 200
Intermediary 200 - 500
Expert 500 - 1000
Sensei 1000 - 2000
Sifu 2000 - +2000
Also, the colour is displayed in the "users online" section
what is karma?Karma is a point based system, that shows how many people have liked your posts. You can only give karma to other people, not yourself!
I don't understand, i can't give karma!Once you have posted 30 or more posts, you can start giving away karma.
Who is the best Freestyle artist here?Freestyle is all about how you define yourself, asking who's the best would be like asking what's the better race and country. By answering/asking that you're just looking for some conflict, not saying that you are.
How many post are required to enable me to vote on polls?You need 10 and more post to vote
How do I embed a video? Why isn't the embed code working properly?Copy and paste on the video's URL, the embed code is not necessary.
Can I just post a link without embedding a video?Yes, place the link between in these: [no embed] [/no embed] (without the spaces - noembed). If you want it to be a functional (clickable) link simply use the Hyperlink feature.
Can I use widescreen format videos? Can I make it play in high quality?Video link functions(just add this codes including the # - after the YT link)
#ws - wide screen format
#center - center the video
#hd - high def. quality
I posted a video but it isn't available, did I do something wrong?Some videos may have their embedding feature disabled/ set to private/ deleted. If it is a newly uploaded video, give it time to process.
I wanted to upload a pic, but the space of the forum is fullUpload your pic to an online site, like picasa web albums, photobucket, etc, then copy the URL of the pic, and paste it between [img ]http://[/img ] (without the spaces)
How do I embed an image?you can upload your image using upload) or manageable) then copy the link. in post composition window, click the image button and paste the image link(or manually type [img ]http://your jpg link here[/img ] without the spaces)
Where can I get the forum Logo?Check this thread: do I check the site's news?check the top right part of the site. then you can scroll down the current activities there.
How do I chat with other users?Now located at the bottom of the page, as a floating bar
at the top right of the site, click the image
to open the chat window ~ it also tells how many users inside the chux chatcan I add my social networking sites (SNS) such as: Facebook, Twitter and MySpace?To add SNS to your mini profile, modifying your "Forum Profile Information" and just put your SNS username or profile's last address there.
Maximum allowed post size?90000 Character
Time required between posts from the same IP?10 seconds interval
maximum allowed characters in a signature?175 Character 500 Characters
signature size limitations?Graphic Signature: 400 x 125 pixels and less then 100kb.
Text Signature: Don't write a book please.
Maximum avatar size?Avatars: 100 x 100 pixels and less then 100kb. --> imagine there are 15 different user posted with 100kb avatar. it will sum up to 1.5MB per page.
Personal Mesage Limit?20 PMs per hour
Max size per attachment?700KB
Allowed attachment extensions?jpg,gif,png
how do i keep up?press the button

mark as read so you can stay updated from your last visit. just review the old topics if you have lots of internet time.
how do i make a box?at the composition window, press

or manually code it:
[box title=any words you like but do not use symbols]Content[/box]
[box title=any words you like but do not use symbols]Content[/box]
How do i make a word description (tool tip)Click the button on post window:

There's a [desc=sample text]Dude[/desc] who doesn't eat carrots
There's a [desc=sample text]Dude[/desc] who doesn't eat carrots
how do i add a countdown timer in my post?[box title=Countdown]at the composition window, press the button

and follow this sample:
Adds a [countdown] bbc tag.
Shows the remaining time until the specified time and when reaches the specified time shows the text between the tags.
Usage :
[countdown=month,day,year,hour,minute]some text[/countdown]
Example :
[countdown=8,14,2009,13,23]It is time now!![/countdown]
Sample: (Month,Day,year,Hour,Minute and "some text alert")
CO2009 countdown:[countdown=6,12,2009,9,30]Its time for Chuck Off 2009!!!!![/countdown]
[b][u]CO2009 countdown:[/u][/b]
[countdown=8,14,2009,13,23]It is time now!![/countdown]
you can also make it simple, by entering just the Month/Day/Year
[countdown=6,12,2009]Its time for Chuck Off 2009!!!!![/countdown][/box]
How do I make a horizontal rule?Click the button on post window

How do I make an Off-Topic marker?On the composition window, press the button

Or you can manually code it:
[off-topic]Hello! [/off-topic]
Float Image Left or Right?[float=left]

[/float] Just added!!.. Float Left and Right! by pressing these button
Forum's mobile phone friendly page:web address:;wap2 
- use this! working on TAPATALK application:Download your copy at
* Android
* iPhone
* Nokia
* Motorola
* Etc..
Forum's RSS Feedsweb address:;action=.xml
unsolved facebook embed problem:
the solution is.. to add this:[noembed] to this:
You dont know something? check it out here! and if there´s something more you want to know about, leave a post, and it will be added to the forums FAQ!