Ah man, I forgot all about the forum filters... 'silly' really takes the sting out of the insult... I'll try to make up for it...
I got a PM a few days ago from Prox's Mum (she's registered here as c0ck_h0und)... I wasn't going to share it as PM's are meant to be private, but I think this is something the rest of you should know...
She told me that Prox's family tour the country performing a family show called The Sophisticates... Because of the trauma this show has caused Prox has a few (how shall we say it...) 'kinks', and she wanted us to take it easy on him... It's a multi-generational show... Prox and his sister, their parents, and his grandma and grandpa... Basically the three girls get down on their hands and knees, his sister, mother and grandma... asses in the air... to start the show his grandpa starts doing his grandma, after all that's how the family got started... then his dad starts doing his mum, that's how Prox came into being... then Prox starts doing his sister... that's how the next generation will be created. Once they've hit their stride, they all pull out in synch and shuffle one place around the circle... Prox starts doing his mum, his dad does his grandma, and his grandpa cycles round to do Prox's sister... this time they really give it some, but again pull out and cycle round... the girls move into a triangle and go for a three-tongue knot in the middle.. while Prox's grandpa does his mother, his dad does his sister, and Prox himself is the climax of the show (quite literally) as he blows his load up his grandma's rear passage. As a denouement they roll around in each other's excrement, before standing to take a bow. The show received rave reviews in The University of London Arts (where Prox learnt his trade).
Have I gone too far yet?

(Prox man, you started this thread asking for it..
