Hi everyone, i’m new to this forum (and to freestyle chucking). Yesterday i decided to build a new nunchaku for practicing (before this i use a broomstick chuck) made from aluminum & wood so here’s some pics of it:

I originally build this using a couple of aluminum pipes only, connected with a cheap dog chain. However, the pipes would be easily bent because it’s hollow so i decided to fill them with wooden sticks so here’s the result:

As you can see the sticks fit perfectly inside the pipes, it won’t come out even after hours of rigorous use. The sticks add some weight and increase its durability, although it’s kinda heavy... Total weight is about 250 grams.

To reduce friction between the chain & the bolts i put a piece of ballpoint core to cover the bolts and it also prevents the chain from swaying back & forth too!

The rings on the chain is actually part of the chain itself when i bought it, so i didn’t bother to remove them AND it can be used to hang teh chuck too!
Pipe length = 30 cm
Chain length = 12 cm
Total weight = 250 grams
Time to build = 2 hours
Total cost = $0.20 (all materials except for the chain i got them for free

UPDATE: ROPED NUNCHAKUThis is what i made about a week ago, this one is pretty much like previous nunchaku, but i use rope instead of chain.

This is what the bottle cap thing looks like when disassembled:

The wooden caps prevent the rope from touching the sharp edge of the upper part of the aluminum pipe, so the rope will last longer (without those the rope broke after 2 hours of use
