Author Topic: Swivels  (Read 4114 times)

March 10, 2009, 07:18:01 AM
Reply #15


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  Well I just finished them…well mostly. I tried a few things and hurt myself.  Fair to say that they’re powerful.  If you’ve got the cahones to get them moving at top speed they don’t stop, which could be very impressive if I can learn to harness that energy.  The other problem at this time is that the ¼ inch tension pins I bought were too long, (by the way that’s a quarter inch in diameter, not length.), so I have about a quarter inch spike just hanging out, as you may notice in the picture.  I have no idea what steel they make those pins out of, but I spent a half hour hack-sawing, and another ten minutes drilling and hardly put a dent in them.
  Anyway, here’s the finished product, and even as a self-proclaimed badass, these are pretty harsh.  I’d say build them at your own risk.  I’ll make a video when I can.  Thanks for the interest and commentary everyone.

March 12, 2009, 06:04:46 PM
Reply #16


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Should try using aluminum tubing. It'll dramatically drop the weight :)

March 14, 2009, 07:35:42 AM
Reply #17


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Actually, I think I'll try these for my next try .  Trying to figure out how to drill titanium.  mi9ght have to invest in a diamond and carbide drill bit, but titanium, yeah.  Strength of steel with 60% less weight.  Hear it shatters if it takes a blow at low enough temperature though, so no chucking if I ever end up in alaska.  Used to have a bali-song made by benchmade with titanium grips, and that never went bad on me, so maybe it's just a myth.