Author Topic: U-Swivels  (Read 3698 times)

April 09, 2009, 01:47:19 AM
Reply #15


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Given, they're expensive, but if the truth about the durability about the new u-swivels is taken into account, even if you break the pair they're installed on, all you have to do is swap the swivel apparatus onto a different set of chucks with the same diameter.  Except I'd probably replace the pop rivets woodall uses for a tension pin.  Personal preference.

April 09, 2009, 03:50:30 AM
Reply #16


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Agreed. But if the graphics card is worth five times the cost of the computer...

Well, you can play as Lara Croft with triangle boobs. Or Lara Croft with octagonal boobs.  :roll: