Author Topic: What random objects can you make into nunchucks  (Read 7844 times)

June 21, 2009, 10:50:41 PM
Reply #30


  • random welsh pyromaniac
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in the u.k we have a 2 penny coin , ireckon get loads and glue them individually with superglue .would make some heavy chucks .
might actually do it because i'd like some heavy chucks
my favorite quote ever: "oh my god what are they teaching him on that army prep course ,baking cupcakes and knitting doilies" L.J after her brother wussed out of camping

June 21, 2009, 11:06:35 PM
Reply #31


  • Chuck Till Ya Drop!
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  • Has a chuck in one hand and ur head in the other!
You are only a master when you have felt the hard side of a nunchuck...A$H

June 25, 2009, 09:10:39 PM
Reply #32


  • random welsh pyromaniac
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do it! :gogogo

yeah I think I will , I mean 2p's arent very valuable .but creating something cool out of them that will last forever would almost be like art in a way . will probably need a lot of superglue as well but worth it in the end .

I worked out (roughly) that i'd need 300 for buth sticks which is £6 in U.K money .not too expensive for a pair of chux .

anyway when ive made them i'll make a new thread in the D.I.Y section with pictures
my favorite quote ever: "oh my god what are they teaching him on that army prep course ,baking cupcakes and knitting doilies" L.J after her brother wussed out of camping

June 25, 2009, 11:28:59 PM
Reply #33


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yeah I think I will , I mean 2p's arent very valuable .but creating something cool out of them that will last forever would almost be like art in a way . will probably need a lot of superglue as well but worth it in the end .

I worked out (roughly) that i'd need 300 for buth sticks which is £6 in U.K money .not too expensive for a pair of chux .

anyway when ive made them i'll make a new thread in the D.I.Y section with pictures

Nice, good luck with that!!! what's the diameter of those coins??
The Mexican Elf!
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June 26, 2009, 06:58:35 PM
Reply #34


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67steph67[4:26:05 AM]: we are all as some little god ><

June 28, 2009, 02:01:47 PM
Reply #35


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I made some chux out of some chunky chair legs once, I gave them to a friend but I'll get a pic and upload it...they were really heavy but looked cool  :mrgreen:
2p chux, I'm intrigued! May have to attempt a pair myself  :smoke:
Be water