Thanks for your posts and opinion m8s
Yes indeed, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered.
There are lots of vid out there, didn't show facts. And the Bush-Administration never did !!!
Since years, i've been watching enough vids....~ 50 hours length (all together)
Nobody said, that 9/11 is a fiction. Thousands of people died in those buildings and more to come.
Around 30.000 ppl are diseased, who were close or on Ground Zero. Beside that 20.000 to 50.000
ppl from Afghanistan were killed while USA-Invasion. The gouvernment said, that the kamikaze-pilots
were Saudi Arabians !! Don't know how many of them "resurrect" again. So Saudis should have been
the pilots, but Afghanistan was invaded. The invasion was already planed before 911.
WTC 1+2:Who ever wants to know parts of the truth, should listen to Prof. Steven Jones, talking about
Termite. There are experts, talking about the temperature, that's necessary to melt steel.
Jet fuel combustion heat is around 600° C and Steel melts around 1500° C.
There are Gas- and Jet-fuel-furnace, using better gas-air-mixture than it had at WTC (smokey fires)
that are reaching 600° C and i've never seen a furnace melt. If it would have been that hot at WTC,
those ppl (standing in the impact-holes) should have been vaporized immediately.
WTC 7:Prof. Steven Jones and Demolition-experts say that it takes at least a week to 2 months,
to prepare a building for a perfect demolition like WTC 7.
[edit]First time in history, buildings collapsed through fire. Before and after that,
buildings were burning much longer much hotter and didn't collapse.[/edit]
WTC 1/2 +7Collapsed at the speed of free fall and perfectly in their own footprints.
Watch the posted Prof. Steven Jones vid above.
About Manipulation:The only ppl who were/are manipulating was the Bush-Adminsitration.
They were lying and covering up the crime-scene. Telling us, that they
had no warnings. Gotta watch this. Footage from 'In plane site' and 'Painful Deception' (think)
Pentagon:Confiscating all the surveillance-cam-vids and showing 5 frames of a fireball at the pentagon.
Why are they covering up ?
Shanksville and Pentagon:Huge planes folding their wings and disappering in tiny holes ??
First time in history of aviation:
Compare the pictures of those 2 events with all other plane-crashes.
No parts of a plane, jet engine (that one they found at the pentagon
was way to small for a commercial jet air-liner), wings, undercarriage,
tail, luggage, corpses..... i mean there is finally nothing proving, that
it was a commercial airlplane. Only a small hole filled with trash.
Benefit of war:Ppl workinking for a armament industry, shouldn't be allowed to be member of the government.
Have a closer look at the
Carlyle Group. The firm has employed political figures and notable
investors. Some of these figures include former US President George H. W. Bush and his son.
ergo:Legislative, judiciary and executive authority should be distincted from each other.
Otherwise, you'll enable a fascism State, like we had in Germany 70 years ago.
[edit] ps: It's a shame, how they treat the relatives of the vicitms of WTC and those who helped at Ground Zero.
Thousands of ppl are diseased and don't get medical treatment from the government. [/edit]