Author Topic: 9/11 conspiracy - governed by traitorists  (Read 3278 times)

May 09, 2009, 07:49:47 PM
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Haven't found any topic about 9/11 footage, so i decided to start this one.
Here are some vids, i highly recommend you to watch and think about the
consequences for the world (war, homeland security, police state, new world
order and what else will come along.....)

Meanwhile, i've seen enough movies with evidences to be sure about the conspiracy.
Special thanks to our governments, offering "security" after putting terror on us.
G.W. Bush said: "Either you're with us or you're with the terrorists".

You guys know what Adolf Hitler while the 3rd Reich said ??
He said: "Who's not with me, is against me......" Same sh!t different smell.
That's really incredible.....the US-Government was acting and finally talking like Fascist.


There are  several movies i recommend you to watch. Make yourself a picture:

In Plane Site:

Loose change:

Painful deceptions:

Prof. Steven E. Jones about thermite melting WTC-steel !!!!   :-o

9/11 Birth of treason - Playlist at YT:

After watching those vids, there should be no doubt about the birth of treason.  :insane:

May 09, 2009, 11:02:42 PM
Reply #1


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G.W. Bush said: "Either you're with us or you're with the terrorists".

You guys know what Adolf Hitler while the 3rd Reich said ??
He said: "Who's not with me, is against me......" Same sh!t different smell.
That's really incredible.....the US-Government was acting and finally talking like Fascist.

And this is one of French president's (Nicolas Sarkozy) favourite sentence...

When you think about it, it is smart to use that sentence :
think about it : "Either you're with us or you're with the terrorists".
It creates a very bipolar view of the world and since you dont want to be with the terrorists, your only choice is to follow your "beloved" president.

Anyway, about 9/11, I'll watch your vids and get back to you, but I have seen myself quite disturbing videos and I tend to lean your way
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May 10, 2009, 01:03:44 AM
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All I know is that the towers went down and people died. The pentagon was attacked. That is fact not a fiction, most of the information in those videos is not complete facts. To make a conspiracy believable there must some facts strung in with the guesses. Some reality in with the fiction or it would not be at all believable.

You can find anything you want in any event and you can manipulate it any way you want. I watched those videos and have seen most of them before. It does not change that fact that someone did this. Who was it in your opinion?
Most Europeans will say it was the CIA or some other agency inside the USA. But they will never admit that it just might have been a very well planned and executed attack on the USA from outside sources working in side a free society.

I do not know for certain who did this to the USA but I know it was not our own government. We will never know the exact truth because most of the people who were a part of it died in the attack.

As for a plane hitting the pentagon who cares if it was a plane or a bunker buster type of bomb. What ever hit it was moving so fast that no video of it has ever surfaced. That is different form the towers where you can clearly see planes hitting them. And for the explosion's that were heard that is the sound of a collapsing build. I know from hearing one collapse myself. I worked around jet fuel in the Air Force and I work around missiles and bombs. They are different sound when ignited. Jet fuel burns incredibly hot, hot enough to fuse and melt metal. That is was brought down the towers melted steel collapsing on its own weight. The only bombs used were flying full of jet fuel, what other bombs would you need?

Hey just my opinion.

May 10, 2009, 01:55:56 AM
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to find the truth,, follow the money,,

who got the insurance for the towers...
Nunchucka mutha fucka.
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May 10, 2009, 02:25:27 AM
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to find the truth,, follow the money,,

who got the insurance for the towers...

Larry Silverstein...He signed the lease on July 24th 2001 only weeks before 911....  He was even recorded saying "pull it" minutes before building 7 fell. Pull it is a demolition term. Building seven looked like a controlled implosion to me, and most demolition experts.

Theres alot of questions that need answered.

Like, How did building seven fall? Two planes, three buildings?

WTC towers were made to withstand impact from planes, and steel melts at a higher tempter than jet fuel burns. Also how and why was government issue nanothermite found on the debris.

Also strange George Bush's brother Marvin Bush's security firm was the contractor in charge of WTC security and his companies contract was nearing its end.

The more you dig the more unanswered questions you will have. I did. I used to laugh at conspiracy theorists, but the more I research it the more I tend to be disgusted with our government. I mean they told the 911 workers that the air was safe to breath at ground zero, now over 30,000 of them are sick.

May 10, 2009, 05:08:51 AM
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I agree there's lots fishy about 9/11.

I just don't know if we will ever know the truth.

May 10, 2009, 05:17:17 AM
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I thought that the people from US believe in the official version, but now, it seems that not.

I really dont know what to think. Because, if we view it from an economic perspective, there were more loss than gain, and it didnt gave money to them. Also, the insurances houses didnt make money, they start to fell, declaring so much losses they they had to bank broke.

If they try to earn something by doing 911, all the plans went wrong.

But in the end, there are so many hidden things, and the CIA, FBI, etc only work with "top secret", so the common people cant know what is going, or what was, even a century after the incidents!  :|

May 10, 2009, 07:46:57 AM
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I thought that the people from US believe in the official version, but now, it seems that not.

I really dont know what to think. Because, if we view it from an economic perspective, there were more loss than gain, and it didnt gave money to them. Also, the insurances houses didnt make money, they start to fell, declaring so much losses they they had to bank broke.

If they try to earn something by doing 911, all the plans went wrong.

But in the end, there are so many hidden things, and the CIA, FBI, etc only work with "top secret", so the common people cant know what is going, or what was, even a century after the incidents!  :|

Actually 911 was the reason the Patriot act passed. The Patriot Act basically takes the US constitution and stomps all over it.

It also caused two wars. With every war comes opportunity for financial gain. Its a very sad thing..

May 10, 2009, 06:46:13 PM
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I thought that the people from US believe in the official version, but now, it seems that not.

I really dont know what to think. Because, if we view it from an economic perspective, there were more loss than gain, and it didnt gave money to them. Also, the insurances houses didnt make money, they start to fell, declaring so much losses they they had to bank broke.

If they try to earn something by doing 911, all the plans went wrong.

when things like this happen, you never really know who got all the benefits, 'cause they'll never show up... low profile...

Actually 911 was the reason the Patriot act passed. The Patriot Act basically takes the US constitution and stomps all over it.

It also caused two wars. With every war comes opportunity for financial gain. Its a very sad thing..

I agree... a war will rise military industries financial gains, a disease will increase medical corporations financial gain.
There's a lot of enterprises involved in both industries (not talking about Umbrella... but something like that), and they will never tell you "I won xxx dollars with this!!", but I'm sure people behind this didn't loose at all.
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May 11, 2009, 08:54:09 AM
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Thanks for your posts and opinion m8s  :bow:

Yes indeed, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered.
There are lots of vid out there, didn't show facts. And the Bush-Administration never did !!!

Since years, i've been watching enough vids....~ 50 hours length (all together)

Nobody said, that 9/11 is a fiction. Thousands of people died in those buildings and more to come.
Around 30.000 ppl are diseased, who were close or on Ground Zero. Beside that 20.000 to 50.000
ppl from Afghanistan were killed while USA-Invasion. The gouvernment said, that the kamikaze-pilots
were Saudi Arabians !! Don't know how many of them "resurrect" again. So Saudis should have been
the pilots, but Afghanistan was invaded. The invasion was already planed before 911.

WTC 1+2:
Who ever wants to know parts of the truth, should listen to Prof. Steven Jones, talking about
Termite. There are experts, talking about the temperature, that's necessary to melt steel.
Jet fuel combustion heat is around 600° C and Steel melts around 1500° C.
There are Gas- and Jet-fuel-furnace, using better gas-air-mixture than it had at WTC (smokey fires)
that are reaching 600° C and i've never seen a furnace melt. If it would have been that hot at WTC,
those ppl (standing in the impact-holes) should have been vaporized immediately.

WTC 7:
Prof. Steven Jones and Demolition-experts say that it takes at least a week to 2 months,
to prepare a building for a perfect demolition like WTC 7.

[edit]First time in history, buildings collapsed through fire. Before and after that,
buildings were burning much longer much hotter and didn't collapse.[/edit]

WTC 1/2 +7
Collapsed at the speed of free fall and perfectly in their own footprints.
Watch the posted Prof. Steven Jones vid above.

About Manipulation:
The only ppl who were/are manipulating was the Bush-Adminsitration.
They were lying and covering up the crime-scene. Telling us, that they
had no warnings. Gotta watch this. Footage from 'In plane site' and 'Painful Deception'  (think)

Confiscating all the surveillance-cam-vids and showing 5 frames of a fireball at the pentagon.
Why are they covering up ?

Shanksville and Pentagon:
Huge planes folding their wings and disappering in tiny holes ??
First time in history of aviation:
Compare the pictures of those 2 events with all other plane-crashes.
No parts of a plane, jet engine (that one they found at the pentagon
was way to small for a commercial jet air-liner), wings, undercarriage,
tail, luggage, corpses..... i mean there is finally nothing proving, that
it was a commercial airlplane. Only a small hole filled with trash.

Benefit of war:
Ppl workinking for a armament industry, shouldn't be allowed to be member of the government.
Have a closer look at the Carlyle Group. The firm has employed political figures and notable
investors. Some of these figures include former US President George H. W. Bush and his son.

Legislative, judiciary and executive authority should be distincted from each other.
Otherwise, you'll enable a fascism State, like we had in Germany 70 years ago.

[edit] ps: It's a shame, how they treat the relatives of the vicitms of WTC and those who helped at Ground Zero.
              Thousands of ppl are diseased and don't get medical treatment from the government. [/edit]
« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 09:29:39 AM by irvmstr »

May 11, 2009, 09:55:00 AM
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Perhaps an even more telling quote than the Hitler one, comes from his designated successor Hermann Goering:
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

I don't have much more to add, but I will say that the official story does not add up. The proposed solution to the "attack" was exactly what they wanted to do all along. Seems pretty clear to me.

May 11, 2009, 10:44:39 AM
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false flag policy..

also,, american gun laws are straight out of 1939 germany, translated word for word,
Nunchucka mutha fucka.
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May 11, 2009, 11:39:47 AM
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false flag policy..

also,, american gun laws are straight out of 1939 germany, translated word for word,

Im not familiar with Germanys gun laws of 1939, but the second amendment to the US constitution states

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

That was 1791. Our currupt government has done a fantastic job destroying everything that our founding fathers fought so hard to create. It almost makes me sick.

In theory we should be able to go out buy a gun and have no problems, but now if your a first time gun buyer you have to pay for the gun and then wait for the government to do a backround check. It sometimes takes days, and people do get denied for stupid reasons. Back in the Wild West you could buy a gun and wear it concealed without being harassed. Now you have to have a permit which is even harder to get than the gun. If you get caught carrying a concealed gun your in trouble!

That definitely sounds like Nazi BS to me.

A criminal can get an illegal gun easier than a law abiding citizen can get a legal one.

May 11, 2009, 12:09:47 PM
Reply #13


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And this is one of French president's (Nicolas Sarkozy) favourite sentence...

When you think about it, it is smart to use that sentence :
think about it : "Either you're with us or you're with the terrorists".
It creates a very bipolar view of the world and since you dont want to be with the terrorists, your only choice is to follow your "beloved" president.

Anyway, about 9/11, I'll watch your vids and get back to you, but I have seen myself quite disturbing videos and I tend to lean your way

The way I see this "wonder-quote" is more in the region of what the church calls "free will" - you can either do good or bad things, it's your choice. But be advised that bad things can lead to eternal damnation blah-blah, while good things mean a place in heaven. So you can bet your a$$ that if we took this thing for real, it would mean only doing good things in order not to get 'fried'.
So either we're with 'them' (and go to heaven) or we're with the terrorists (and go to hell). There's no 'gray', there's only black or white. Hail Switzerland and it's neutrality...

Another way to look at it - we're dividing the world into good guys (a.k.a. our presidents and their followers) and bad guys (the terrorists, whoever they are). You DO NOT have the right to stfu and mind your own business.

Peace to all!

May 12, 2009, 11:29:13 PM
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So either we're with 'them' (and go to heaven) or we're with the terrorists (and go to hell). There's no 'gray', there's only black or white. Hail Switzerland and it's neutrality...

"only a Sith deals in absolutes"...
The Mexican Elf!
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