Author Topic: any1 knows D.I.Y on Lee Bardens Prochux?  (Read 4540 times)

October 10, 2008, 06:21:49 PM
Reply #15


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i like others to use the stuff i do. If i can help anyone with a new method of stringing or making new ideas,i will post them inmediatly.

Im a lover of freecodes programs, and i think the others aspects of my life in that way.... this reminds me microsft.... they where hidding all the codes, and never giving away anything, and now, the best navigator programs are made of freecode (mozilla firefox, google chrome).

im here to take nunchaku and freestyle to the maximus expression, and if the people here didnt share what they were doing, we will be still in the figure eight!

Try to free your mind, to free your knowlege, so other people can work in what you have done, and improve things a lot more  :thumb:

just for the record, imagine that no one want to share they videos, and technics.... many wont have learned anything!

Im not pointing anyone, just making a comment about life.

October 10, 2008, 08:55:05 PM
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i like others to use the stuff i do. If i can help anyone with a new method of stringing or making new ideas,i will post them inmediatly.

Im a lover of freecodes programs, and i think the others aspects of my life in that way.... this reminds me microsft.... they where hidding all the codes, and never giving away anything, and now, the best navigator programs are made of freecode (mozilla firefox, google chrome).

im here to take nunchaku and freestyle to the maximus expression, and if the people here didnt share what they were doing, we will be still in the figure eight!

Try to free your mind, to free your knowlege, so other people can work in what you have done, and improve things a lot more  :thumb:

just for the record, imagine that no one want to share they videos, and technics.... many wont have learned anything!

Im not pointing anyone, just making a comment about life.

there are lots of other hobbies that people freely share i.e. jewelry making and lapidary.  On this specific issue it is common knowledge that 4 cords are used so we can deduce a few things with that knowledge.  either it's one long loop doubled up, 4 seperate cords with loops on both ends so you can pin fasten them, one long loop and 2 cords with loops on each end... I think you get the idea.  The point is, based on knowing there are 4 cords between 2 sticks, there aren't that many combinations and who's to say the one you use won't work really well for you.  Why not use a thinner cord and string them with 6!!!????  hhmmmm :whahaa

October 10, 2008, 09:49:33 PM
Reply #17


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and we can further deduce that as there are no side holes and just one axis hole on the chucks, and a pin, that the cords cannot be traditionally knotted but must loop around the pin. And as the emphasis is on balance, I doubt that one stick has a knott in there and the other doesn't. So 1 long cord is probaly out.

My bet is 4 separate cords, each with small loops at each end, held togehter with those little metal clip things, and the pin is threaded through the loops on all 4 cords.

assuming this is correct, what have I gained. I don't have the equipment to make the mmyself, or the skill required to make a balanced pair. I certainally can't afford the necessary expensive equipment. So I'm going to keep buying them from Lee (that is if my pair ever actually need replacing, they are really durable).
So I suppose the argument could be made that Lee would lose nothing by telling us exactly how he does it..... :thumb:
"Those that think there is nothing left to learn are the most ignorant".

October 10, 2008, 10:09:35 PM
Reply #18


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well from what I understand there are prochux rip offs out there. I assume some of those guys would love to know how to make them properly.

October 10, 2008, 10:13:49 PM
Reply #19

Heru Pyrkagia

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i was going over patents of nunchaku and i saw an interesting design. the cord had metal sleeves crimped on the ends and the pin was driven through the metal and the cord. could it be possible that 4 cords could be crimped by one metal sleeve on each end and the pin driven through them? (for example click here)

October 10, 2008, 11:17:14 PM
Reply #20


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Yep, thats pretty much what I was describing above as to how I reckon they do it. (although I thought 4 little metal bits, 1 would obviously work)

They could just spend 30 odd quid and buy a set to find out! If they are making knock-offs then I suspect they don't care how to make them properly, as long as people can be suckered into buying them then they don't give a damm.

Personally there are very few places I would buy this type of precision chucks from, as you need to be sure of the quality. If its not professional quality then I may as well do it myself. Precision Strikes and Woodalls are the only two that come to mind easily.
"Those that think there is nothing left to learn are the most ignorant".