Author Topic: blueprints for stringing chux  (Read 1202 times)

November 04, 2009, 12:53:00 AM
Read 1202 times


  • Happy Happy Joy Joy
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Well I've never had a pair of corded chux so I'm just wondering how you all string your chux, what string you prefer to use and where you drill your hole tie the strings connect them etc, My grandfather is like a woodworking genius and I would love to make some high quality homemade chux at his shop sometime in the future for a fun nerdy ninja kinda project :D

so basically I know of the 2 holes with the strings running through them I would like to know how that works, or even how the prochux work? I'm still getting mine, oh and I dont plan to steal anyones ideas but I'm open to suggestion also :D

November 04, 2009, 12:58:52 AM
Reply #1


  • Beerchaku Militia/Defender Of Yggdrasil
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I wouldnt call it stealing if someone is willing to tell you how they do it  :-D

Heres a vid of my 3 staff if you didnt see it, this is how I string my wood chucks, and heres a link of me redoing my cousins(RIP) wood chux from the 70's.  If you do this style you can do these much more clean looking, this is just for ideas you may like.