Author Topic: Where to get Aluminum piping/tubing?  (Read 1602 times)

November 11, 2009, 01:23:11 AM
Read 1602 times


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I'm trying to make aluminum nunchaku. I first bought some electrical conduit at lowes but it was a lot heavier than expected, I also realized it was made of steel. However, I haven't been able to find aluminum pipe. I want them to be as light as possible. Does anyone know what it's called or where I could get it. I have a Lowes and a Home Depot near me, but if I could figure out what it was called I could ask around. Also what do you suggest for swivels because I plan to use chain. Thanks for any help and I hope this is the right section.

November 11, 2009, 01:41:25 AM
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I get my alum pipe at Home Depot and Cashway Lumber or Ace Hardware, like 8 Ft. for 15 bucks.  And to my knowledge the only name is aluminum tubing/pipe.

I use SPRO fishing swivels

For attaching a swivel to alum tubing I think would be a little trickier, but I can tell you a way to put on SPRO's easiy to alum tubing.
Get a bolt that will fit snugly into the swivel, first screw on a small nut(or nut of your choice but make sure 2 of them will fit in there with the swivel) then put the swivel on(This is after you drill your holes in the tubing and put the bolt in the first hole followed by the nut then swiv) then but another nut on there, tightening would be depending if you want the swivel to move side to side/back and forth, or to fit snugly.  Then continue on through the other hole(Make sure the hole is small enough where the bolt will actually screw into of course) put a small thin nut on the outside, shave/saw the excess bolt off and smooth it to make sure you dont get cut or scraped.

Theres my 2 cents I hope that helps.

Welcome to the forum BTW.

November 18, 2009, 03:13:37 PM
Reply #3


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If your looking for a size that none of those stores carry. Which I think they usually carry 3/4 and 7/8.

But I'll warn you.. while you have a better selection of dimensions.. you pay a bit more too.

I usually use 3/4 for my nunchucks and 7/8 for my staves.