Ready for a history lesson. I'm on my phone so forgive some spelling. It was 1992 or so. We just invented a second phase of GloChux made of flourescent acryllic plastic. We made glo-bo's, glo-Kama's and of course the new acryllic GloChux. I was in my living room with a bunch of students. I was showing them the new products. I was eating some chicken at the time and was swinging the new chux and wham. They flew out of my hands. Damn I said, what happens when you sweat, I wonder if they would be just as slippery? Well Ed Mehan a student of chux said, I know. He went to his truck and brought back a box of pinstriping materials and started striping the chux with colored,holographic and metallic tapes. I went great, we will call these grip strips. Off we went. While we were at the US Open International Karate Championships introducing the revolutionary new GloChux Michael Caturantabut stopped by and asked my wife to stripe his Kama's.for him. ( Does anyone here remember the new Mike Chat Kama's by Macho with the new shiny tape on them?) Casey Marks stopped by and wanted her Bo staff striped, so we did, (remember the first shiny bo and who was the first to use one?) And a number of others people bought just the stripes and the paper. Next thing I know there are people with boothes at the same events I was, selling just striping and sheets of holographic weapons just the deco. Then people went out of there way to find the coolest most unique holo's to out do everyone. I could name a lot of examples of companies that u would know but I digress. Shiny and holographics were introduced to the Martial Arts because I was eating chicken in my living room.
Who would have guessed that little ol me and 2 sticks tied together could and would effect a whole industry. So never take light your ideas and who you are in the world, you just may be one of the people that shape the future with 2 little sticks, tied together.