I have those in my hand right now.
handles are just about 8-1/2 inches (22 1/2 cm.) each, 3/4" thick.
The U-swivel requires some lubrication or it gets a little noisy.
The bottem half, as you can see has ridges for your grip but the rounded top section can be a little tough to grab if you're prone to oily/sweaty hands.
They are a little bit heavier than standard chucks and of course a lot harder. the u-swivel in my experience is a little slower than ball bearing, but from what I've read they will last for quite a while(which is great cause I have no idea how to repair it). The swinging is fast and smooth, same for wrist rolls and ariels. I would not reccomend these for anyone who has problems with "high-trajectory drops" (accidental throws) as the previously mentioned smooth spots, size, and weight will just make that end horribly.
overall I wouldn't reccomend them for extreme freestyle due to their weight and small size but if you're looking for a pair to whack stuff with I can tell you mine haven't let me down there.