Now I am confused
the polls were supposed to close at 9:40 something this morning, and now it's extended ? and the total vote count shows 62 voted, when clearly there are more votes,
Thanks to all who voted for me and much
to the other members of this group, this was a tough group 
What happens was that all the polls that were made together (groups M, N, O and P) were made at the same time, So all of them should close at the same time. But if someone made a correction to the poll (probably me) the time of the end of the poll will be expanded.
As Seventh_He4ven told me in the shoutbox why this poll haven´t ended yet, and all the rest ofthe polls had, I check it, and discovered the loop I explain just above, so in order to keep the same time for all the polls, I locked it, and made it to show the results.
There wasn´t less votes here: the votes for this four groups (M, N, O and P) where: 62, 62, 66 and 62, so there weren´t less votes.
Sorry if I created a confusion

[2010-01-23 16:38.09] <Seventh_He4ven> jmvicuna - how come group N time doesn\'t end at the same time as M O and P? Max
[2010-01-24 00:14.25] <jmvicuna> @Seventh_He4ven: That must have been because of a modification to the poll, and then the end time was changed. The poll of group N is ready now for everyone to see it