Author Topic: Who Has The Best REAL Nunchaku...?  (Read 49173 times)

February 19, 2010, 08:57:12 PM
Reply #30


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Thanks guys, he was wrong about Dolans. He might be wrong about everything else. I'll call them and look into it.

It’s ok if you think I’m wrong, the community of martial artist that I hung around with considered them as junk too, it’s to bad I can’t call them up and prove it lol, that was a long time ago.  I just hate to see someone hail these as great chucks, which in fact they wasn’t from my point of view.

But the notion that Dolan's were cheaply made is absurd.
That was the vibe 30 years ago…
As they say everyone is entitled to an opinion… anyway  I’m sure you’ll find what your looking for.

If you could use your hands or any piece of wood to do that, then what was the point in even saying anything about dolans or pros?  Therefore you could do anything with pros as with some woodalls, cause they are just any piece of wood after all.  I own woodalls I know they are tough chucks, ive seen pros been put to the test, they are strong aswell.  I guess Jose's would make woodalls or pros look like toothpicks, so I guess DIY steel and iron win hands down.

I’m just telling you my experience, and I said my hands could break HALF that stuff lol, it’s more of a joke:P  Well I don’t know who Jose's is, but as I said too, DIY would be better. 

Now if prochuxs had chains on them, that would be heavy duty:P

February 19, 2010, 09:26:15 PM
Reply #31


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Personally , I'm damn tired of people bashing Prochux,  :doh We have a saying here in the US , Nunchakulot, it's " Put up, or Shut up " . You come on the forum, have 5 posts, no vids and your an expert. Well how about a little match  :greendude: Let's say 2 minutes uncut footage, singles only, Deadline : March 15th. You use your trads I'll use my heavy Pro's. are you up for it , or are you just all talk ?No Fire, no glowchux, and no Breaking stuff, just pure Freestyle.  :chuck:
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 09:31:56 PM by Notherchucker »
I'm the lil' Notherchucker your momma warned ya about !!!

February 19, 2010, 10:17:21 PM
Reply #32


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February 19, 2010, 10:54:13 PM
Reply #33


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Personally , I'm damn tired of people bashing Prochux,  :doh We have a saying here in the US , Nunchakulot, it's " Put up, or Shut up " . You come on the forum, have 5 posts, no vids and your an expert. Well how about a little match  :greendude: Let's say 2 minutes uncut footage, singles only, Deadline : March 15th. You use your trads I'll use my heavy Pro's. are you up for it , or are you just all talk ?No Fire, no glowchux, and no Breaking stuff, just pure Freestyle.  :chuck:

I’m not bashing prochux, I can take a picture if you want, and I’ll show you how dinky they look in my hands lol… I never said I’m an expert, plus it doesn’t take an expert to show you how dinky they are compared to trads.  I will take a pic and upload it and show u if need be lol….

What is wrong with giving an honest opinion around here??? Looks like I stirred an ant nest :lmfao:

Anyhoo your contest proves nothing about how heavy duty pros can be, you can hang toilet paper off your ass and freestyle all you want. :lmfao:

February 19, 2010, 11:01:25 PM
Reply #34


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Just what I thought, all Blow, no go  :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: If you want to see how tough ProChux are , just look at Beserkergang's vids of him whacking sh*t with his Pro's. Other than that, SHUT UP  :fu: :fu: :fu:
I'm the lil' Notherchucker your momma warned ya about !!!

February 19, 2010, 11:22:22 PM
Reply #35


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He might have a pair of Penchaku.
'All blow no go' :-D

February 19, 2010, 11:28:34 PM
Reply #36


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It’s ok if you think I’m wrong, the community of martial artist that I hung around with considered them as junk too, it’s to bad I can’t call them up and prove it lol, that was a long time ago.  I just hate to see someone hail these as great chucks, which in fact they wasn’t from my point of view.
That was the vibe 30 years ago…

Well I'm not going by the opinion of a community X number of years ago.

I'm going by 30+ years of experience. And that is time spent doing weapon on weapon exercises and a lot of hard use that was more the result of youthful exuberance than traditional instruction or usage.

I laid my hands on nearly every pair of nunchaku that looked sturdy back then.

The only survivors are a couple pairs of speedchucks, a pair of shureidos and the ones I got from Dolan's. I also have some Kemcos but I got them 10 years ago and never really beat them up, they are quality but haven't been through it.

The Dolan's $5 Rock Maples held up as well as any other pair. In most cases I gave them away to students as I owned Rosewood and Cocobolos which I preferred. Had I known the day would come when Dolan's would be no more, I'd have bought more and kept them. Since they were $5 and could take it, Dolan's were the ones we used to attempt (and on occasion succeed) to break cinder blocks with. We didn't have the heart (or the money) to try these breaks with the $10 Rosewoods. I'm sure they'd have held up just as well or better.

Speedchucks usually didn't survive as the BB caps usually broke away from the stick before the cinder blocks broke. In fairness speedchucks were about $12 so we didn't try this very often with them. That is probably the big reason I still have surviving speedchucks.

I had a pair of Shureidos that I totally trashed as they were my favorite for breaks. I had more confidence in the triple cord connection than the double cord Dolan's connection. I could have restrug the Dolans but we never bothered. The Shureidos also seemed to have a slightly different taper that fit me better. The ragged out pair never broke, but they began to splinter so badly (any stick would on cinder blocks after several days) that I eventually tossed them. I have a pair I bought at the same time which I didn't use for breaks.

I've literally destroyed dozens of imports (mostly those from AWMA) that didn't last a single day.

Now eventually we did kills some Dolan's but they literally lasted 20 times longer than most other nunchaku. The only time a swivel chain went was if we split a stick so badly the retaining screw gave.

I'd sure be interested to hear what nunchaku you guys used 30 years ago which were superior? Almost without exception I found the Dolans to be the best on the market and that was the general consensus of everyone I knew who used them as a weapon. And even today they are sorta considered the grail, one of the reasons Woodalls is so popular is they seem to be following the Dolan's tradition, albeit at a slightly higher price.

I plan to get some Woodalls, and I'm sure they will be excellent, just wish I could reasonably afford to get several dozen.

It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.


February 19, 2010, 11:41:25 PM
Reply #37


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 :daah: Why would you want to have soo many? If you need them all for breaking stuff, then my advise is to get a nice pair of chucks for shadow practice, bag, and freestyle, and then make a pair of steel pipe chucks for breaking stuff. Those will laaaast.

February 20, 2010, 12:04:36 AM
Reply #38


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@SteyrAUG.Judging by your weapon collection and photo,I think you should audition for the next James Bond.

February 20, 2010, 12:05:53 AM
Reply #39


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Jameas Bond meets Office Space!!!  :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

February 20, 2010, 12:34:27 AM
Reply #40


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:daah: Why would you want to have soo many? If you need them all for breaking stuff, then my advise is to get a nice pair of chucks for shadow practice, bag, and freestyle, and then make a pair of steel pipe chucks for breaking stuff. Those will laaaast.

Just so we are on the same page.

1. My "lets' try and break stuff" days are long behind me.

2. I want to replenish because I have only about a dozen nunchaku left. And most of them have sentimental value so I don't want to subject them to continuous use.

3. Experience has taught me that "reliable, quality nunchaku" are not always readily available, so when they are you want to stock up. I still on occasion give them to students. You'd think I'd learn not to do that but....

Also breaking things with steel pipe nunchaku doesn't exactly translate to developed ability with regular nunchaku. It's kinda like using brass knuckles to break a board and believing you have the power to break a board should the need ever arise. Granted it is extremely unlikely that I will ever need to employ nunchaku as a weapon, but my philosophy is if you are going to learn a weapon then learn it as a weapon. Worst possible outcome is I will devote a good portion of my life to developing skills I will never actually need, and I'm fine with that.
It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.


February 20, 2010, 12:35:53 AM
Reply #41


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Jameas Bond meets Office Space!!!  :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

Gibbons...Peter Gibbons.

Dr. Evil is a no talent assclown.

It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.


February 20, 2010, 12:38:48 AM
Reply #42


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Very smart words.  :respect: :respect: :respect: :respect:

I see your point.

February 20, 2010, 12:40:06 AM
Reply #43


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"Worst possible outcome is I will devote a good portion of my life to developing skills I will never actually need, and I'm fine with that."

 :whahaa That should be on a shirt.

February 20, 2010, 01:45:35 AM
Reply #44


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Just what I thought, all Blow, no go
You guys can beat on your chest all day, but the fact is it’s not going to make your prochuxs any bigger. lol

He might have a pair of Penchaku.
Nah,  I just need a pencil sharpener to turn them into that lol. 

So who has a heavy duty, hard use nunchaku at a reasonable price?
I already said my peace, I just came into this thread to give a simple oppinion which turns out not  so simple.  I had no ideal the prochux users are soooo defensive, or the Dolan users as well lol. Really,  there is nothing wrong with dinky chuxs, where talking heavy duty here, Right?

I’ll  leave it at this, Dolans made a bad swivel design in which may have cause some people to consider them a cheap nunchaku.   I think I remember seeing Matt-Chez bust a woodalls u-swivel design. Is that correct?  If so, just think about thaT.  However,  it doesn’t mean Woodalls is cheap, just means they are using a failed design from the get go.