Author Topic: Woodal's U-swivels.  (Read 2730 times)

March 25, 2010, 01:29:44 AM
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I have had them for about a month now. And I really really like them. I got EXACTLY what I asked for. And believe my I was very specific. Colleen was a pleasure to work with and the workmanship is absolutely marvelous.

They are as follows:
Cocobolo rounds, 14", 1" to 1 1/8" taper, u-swivels, 5 links.

They are hefty nunchucks. By far the heaviest I have and I was a little surprised. But I've grown accustomed to the weight and now all my other nunchucks are frustratingly light. I love the way cocobolo looks and that was a huge factor in choosing woods, even though I knew it is a heavier wood I still choose it figuring I would adapt, which I did.

The 5 links "was" a little long to my tastes, but playing with prochux helped me grow accustomed to different lengths and now the chain length doesn't bother me at all. Chord length means very little to me now, but now my chord length tolerance is a little over hand width to prochuc length.

The u-swivels are nice, look intimidating but despite all their hype, I feel they are an overkill. You get a lot of oooooh and aaaaahs when people see them and they do make them look more "dangerous".

My next pair of 1st class chucks(woodal or Lee) will definitely be chords. Here are some reasons:
With chords I can do every move. Main difference is digit moves. They are do-able with chains but they tear your fingers up and over all it is very uncomfortable.

I am in love with these chucks and wouldn't have them any other way. They are special to me. I almost had a nervous break down ordering these. I had everything I wanted in my head and had for about a year. But every thing came through and I'm glad I spent the 120 bucks on these(I will probably never pay that much for a single pair of chucks ever).

I now know EXACTLY what I want. Next time I get chucks these will be it:
Focus less on the "trophy" aspect of the chucks. Same length, same taper. Octagonal(I was terrified of chipping and when spending this much on chucks I almost fainted at the thought. Now they are pretty dinged up and chipping at this point in their life would only add more character. I opted round to avoid chippage, as my prochux chipped fairly quickly after getting them, but then I play with them everywhere, including on the pavement) I would get chords. And triple string them. Maybe maybe go with a lighter wood.

Here are some pictures of my baby. (sorry if I sound like I am idolizing them but it can't be helped)

Prochux are there for reference.

These are my chucks. I don't need more. I would like to get another pro to do doubles and I would be set. When my white oak ninecircles reach their end I will replace them with either above said woodal's or ask Lee if he could make some for me(I love the prochux connection)

My mom made cute little baggies for my chucks. She says they are good luck. When I go out in public I put my chucks in them and make sure the baggies are visible so when the cops stop me they feel less threatened. If I was a girl I would just wear a shirt that shows my cleavage or short shorts but alas, I am a tall intimidating manly man that kills people and need something to offset all the trouble making testosterone.

I absolutely love 7heaven's little baggies he made and am sooo close to asking him to make me some for a little monetary compensation(or learn how to make my own). Girls go awww and give me puppy dog eyes enough when they see my current baggies, but I feel if I threw in a cute crotchet baggie it will nearly double my ability to pull girls. :p

March 25, 2010, 01:36:54 AM
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Gdam//   those// are sick///

March 25, 2010, 07:34:33 AM
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Beauties. Nuff said.  :arg

March 25, 2010, 09:40:32 AM
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March 25, 2010, 11:17:31 AM
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 :2thumbsup: marvelous!! :thumb:
love my woodall's, too! 12"cocobolo!
between stimulus and response there is a moment, in that moment you decide your future!

March 28, 2010, 05:41:13 AM
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Awesome nunchaku! 
Life isn't a trial, its a trail!

March 28, 2010, 08:07:16 PM
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I especially love the homeades wrapped in electrical tape. Gave me a flashback to the ones I used to make as a kid.

It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.


March 29, 2010, 05:11:33 AM
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I especially love the homeades wrapped in electrical tape. Gave me a flashback to the ones I used to make as a kid.

Actually that is aluminum, anodized black. The electric tape at the top is only there to cover the wire that holds the chain in.

July 24, 2010, 12:21:19 AM
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Awesome all of them  :whahaa but specially the U-Swivel  :chuck:

July 25, 2010, 08:38:24 AM
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Ha, rockin the nine circles too I see. I love their chucks as a cheap and cheerful alternative to the woodalls.

edit: you even triple string em like me!

July 25, 2010, 10:09:59 AM
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if i was a girl i would love having tits.

July 25, 2010, 02:59:34 PM
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if i was a girl i would love having tits.
:lmfao: not quite on topic but interesting contribution all the same

July 25, 2010, 05:57:13 PM
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 If I was a girl I would just wear a shirt that shows my cleavage or short shorts but alas, I am a tall intimidating manly man that kills people and need something to offset all the trouble making testosterone.

on topic  :lmfao: