Author Topic: chord length  (Read 5209 times)

April 18, 2010, 02:27:18 PM
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hey just bought some dowell to make my own set of chuks..just wondering what the genral consensus on chord length is..the set of foamies i have the chain is 5 inch but i find this a little bit to long..
just wondering when making your own what chord length do you go for?

April 18, 2010, 04:31:18 PM
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I use 2-1/2---3-1/2" cord length.  Its all about preference bro.  I use that length because I have an equal balance for being able to do fingerspins(With an xtra spin or 2 on a regular spin if I want too).  Spins pretty much perfect in aerials for what I need it to do.  I like short cord aswell(1"- 1 1/2")  good control etc.  But since your doing DIY, which I love personally, you can just not tie the rope up(atleast not a permanent tie) where you can get a feel of the different lengths and explore what 'you' like.

April 18, 2010, 04:33:01 PM
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For old school over the hand action I measure the length of the top of my hand and make the chain just short enough that the sticks dont hang straight down. Other people like to have only an inch for fast spins and aerials. Experiment with all types for best understanding of what suits you best, good luck!
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April 18, 2010, 05:16:58 PM
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nice one :thumb:
managed to make four sets with the dowel i bought..not bad four sets of chuks for less than £4 :-D
made two with 3inch chord and i have to say the speed difference is amazing also the count..wrist spin i was having problems with the fomies seem to be disapearing mangaged three there trying them out.
think with the other two sets ill make one with a 1inch chord and one with 2inch see how that goes
cheers again :2thumbsup:

April 18, 2010, 05:50:11 PM
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17 cms is my favorite bro!
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April 18, 2010, 06:44:59 PM
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that about 6 inch..i was finding it very hard with 5..buteach to there own..right
its cool how it differs between people i thought they're was a standard length or somthing

April 18, 2010, 07:05:23 PM
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im using a traditional lenght, about the size of my wrist. I also shorten chain if i am working on many aerials. Ive also tried 10 links and spins are still doable but the danger is in higher rate. ProChux is just an inch and you can do massive control on its other end handle. There are many pros and cons you might encounter for every size but having em all is like a tool to help you boost in learning all the goods of freestyle.
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April 18, 2010, 07:15:22 PM
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makes sence when you put it like that.kinda like having a good toolbox got every size for the job

April 18, 2010, 07:22:01 PM
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hey just bought some dowell to make my own set of chuks..just wondering what the genral consensus on chord length is..the set of foamies i have the chain is 5 inch but i find this a little bit to long..
just wondering when making your own what chord length do you go for?
You can honestly make your chord length as long as you want, or as short as you want.
when i string my nunchaku, (maybe ill make a tutorial on how i do it)
i just tie it off, and dont burn it together, so it can be taken back apart,
and spin them a bit so that i can feel it out.
and once i like it, i burn it down and make it so that it wont come apart anymore.
mine usually end up at 4 inches, but they vary up to 5.5 inches in length depending on what i want to do with them.  :respect: :respect: :respect:
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April 18, 2010, 07:34:29 PM
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ill get the pics up of the finished products found a way of threading the chord so that it doesnt need burnt or knoted

April 18, 2010, 07:59:48 PM
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I'm sorry, i probably didn't explain myself well earlier. Make every length, try everything, and you will find something you like. I use ProChucks length cord, and 17-20cms cord and chain. pros are good for what there good and, and i find when im using longer cord for longer cord tricks, if there any shorter than 15 cms there not enough room. 17cms is perfect for me, great for infinite finger spins etc, wheels, wrist rolls. Each person is diffrent in preferance, and in size, so you must try and see what you like.

67steph67[4:26:05 AM]: we are all as some little god ><

April 18, 2010, 08:02:34 PM
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make sure the holes are drilled slightly smaller than the chord so its a tight fit

thread the chord down the top hole and out the first side hole

thread down and back through bottom hole

thread into top side hole till its back where you started then pull the chord at the top till it tightens right up.

then go mental with electrical tape..

been swinging these about for nearly three hours now and the chords not budging so no need to burn or tie a knot.

dont know if this methods been used before but it seems to be working well enough.
ignore the date on the pics my camera's playing up

April 18, 2010, 08:12:49 PM
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Thats a really good way to string them, Except.
instead of just leaving it in, Take it back up through the top, and tie it off on the other side, so there are 2 string coming out of the top of each nunchaku, THENNNN go crazy with electrical tape  :lmfao:
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April 18, 2010, 08:22:07 PM
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thought about that but because i drilled the holes smaller than the chord it wouldnt this happend kinda by accident :lol:
leckie tape fixes everything :2thumbsup:

April 18, 2010, 08:24:42 PM
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haha, well thats true
cant have the holes too small, or it doesnt work
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