Author Topic: Can you paint nunchaku (How)  (Read 1213 times)

September 09, 2010, 07:24:27 AM
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Can you paint nunchaku? and if you can could you tell me how or mabye do an instructional video if you like but any help would be great.

September 09, 2010, 08:24:40 AM
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Super easy!  8-)

1- Grab some high gloss spray paint in the color of your choosing. You'll want high gloss so they shine in the light when you spin 'em.

2- Sand the wooden chucks you wish to paint so that the paint will stick to the scratches you've made in it. Forget to sand and forget the whole thing.

3- Shake can, hold 15" back and spray a side to side motion LIGHTLY covering the stick in it's first coat. At this point the wood should still show through the paint you've just put on. wait to dry! Depending on your humidity, it could be 4-24 hours. Putting the next coat on too soon will ruin the job. If you value the chucks you're about to paint, let them dry over night.

4- Apply second coat the same as you did the first time. Don't worry if there are small spots you've missed, don't try to get them. Let dry 3-6 hours, then apply paint to any areas you've missed.

OH, you'll know when to apply the second and third coats of paint once the sticky has gone away. If the chucks still are sticky, wait.

That might not be "by the book" But it's how I've always painted things and it turns out great.

September 09, 2010, 03:57:24 PM
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thats cool. I would love to see your painted pairs if you wanted to post in my forum with pics.

September 09, 2010, 07:38:35 PM
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Did you see my "Bruce Lee Nunchaku" video? Those were them, well the paint job WAS nice before I banged them up.

October 09, 2010, 04:14:52 PM
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me and james have painted  a majority of are  chucks  like that  we  use  regualar paint with clear coat though

October 13, 2010, 04:21:47 AM
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  • all hail SUNNY bunny ^^
Super easy!  8-)

1- Grab some high gloss spray paint in the color of your choosing. You'll want high gloss so they shine in the light when you spin 'em.

2- Sand the wooden chucks you wish to paint so that the paint will stick to the scratches you've made in it. Forget to sand and forget the whole thing.

3- Shake can, hold 15" back and spray a side to side motion LIGHTLY covering the stick in it's first coat. At this point the wood should still show through the paint you've just put on. wait to dry! Depending on your humidity, it could be 4-24 hours. Putting the next coat on too soon will ruin the job. If you value the chucks you're about to paint, let them dry over night.

4- Apply second coat the same as you did the first time. Don't worry if there are small spots you've missed, don't try to get them. Let dry 3-6 hours, then apply paint to any areas you've missed.

OH, you'll know when to apply the second and third coats of paint once the sticky has gone away. If the chucks still are sticky, wait.

That might not be "by the book" But it's how I've always painted things and it turns out great.

wow thx for your info berserk  :2thumbsup:
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