Author Topic: G-Force nunchaku?  (Read 2969 times)

October 16, 2010, 12:30:10 AM
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I saw these and thought they might be good pair to get for double nunchaku but for one I dont know wheather or not to get the cord or chain. I wanted to know if they last long or if they are going to be ruined. I dont want to spend money and it be wasted. I'm choosing to buy those for doubles or to choose the other for single nunchaku. Which is better and are either worth it. Ps I'm doing this for the american style kata DVD.

October 16, 2010, 01:05:37 AM
Reply #1


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Hey man, they look great! I think the choice of chain or rope is very personal. Personally I prefer the rope, the possibility of wheel spin and finger better than running, but double, I think the chain is the best visual effect.

I'm not one of these, then not tell you how much last. But I believe that should last long enough. You can not see very well, but in my photo are aluminum nunchaku with rope, I bought from a guy who made himself at home, since they have more than one year, they fall straight down, and still not break nunchakus . This is done by a company I think is very durable.

The only drawback perhaps is that they are hollow and lightweight, if you take a big hit among the two, you can knead them. The mine has crushed several brands, which have generally been when I was coaching cross-over (two nunchaku rotate inside the other).

I think it's a good choice of buy. Independent of whether single or double.

Good luck with your choice =)

October 16, 2010, 02:36:30 AM
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Are these cheap ones ok though? I've never had them. Alot of people say they suck but I dont know/

October 16, 2010, 06:35:18 AM
Reply #3


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I had ones from cochrans similar to the first set, all 3 sets lasted a long time, they cant take a real rough beating(especially hard knee bounces and falls).  Ive used similar ones to the second pair too, the caps are rediculous, and fat/bulky.  Id be careful with the last ones too, they tend to make the cheap wood/cord ones like that and cut the wood so the grain is  going vertically which causes them to split EASILY, SUPER EASY!  If you dont wanna save money, experiment and make your own, just save your money until you can shell out for some you know will last like woodalls(Peep these.... or prochux.