Well I spoke more with nine circles and found out that the chain is as easy as it appears to remove from the sticks, so no problem there. Also, the guy from nine circles UK actually comes to a city near me several times each year to do a seminar on swords, so instead of having to pay about 10 bucks for shipping, I can just drive for half an hour to go get them from him.
As for why I want chain, I'm not totally sure, I just find it more appealing, and as said before, I appreciate its durability. I'm also well aware of paracord, which is good for up to 550 pounds if not more(if they make better than that, I'm not sure, but I think 550 is sufficient), and I have some on the way already to replace the crappy cord that came with my $5 corded nunchaku. I like cord too, but I'd like to have a good pair of both. Maybe the chain ones I have will last a while, maybe not. Probably not, they were maybe a dollar more than the corded ones. Either way, they seem to be heading toward failure already, at least the ball bearing connection part does. I'd rather not deal with any swivels or ball bearings if I can help it. Simplicity is sometimes better. If I'm wrong, oh well. The main reason for getting these is for the white oak. I find it incredibly appealing. The simple chain configuration is more of an after thought, but it's still something I think is good.
As for cord, like I said I already have some. They were only five bucks but I sanded them to remove the shiny slippery coating they had, and they are in fact solid red oak. I took the two pairs of nunchaku I have and hit them together many times about as hard as I could. No real damage, just a few dents. I sanded the other ones too, and they are also solid oak, so as far as the sticks go, at least, I think I'll be okay. Now I just need some longer sticks, and these fit the bill. If I decide I want a longer pair of corded nunchaku at some point too, I'll probably just make them myself out of round stock and paracord. Or maybe by the time the guy from nine circles comes around here, I'll have more money to spare and decide I want white oak corded nunchaku too. Either way, this whole thing is fun and interesting, and I'm glad I decided to finally pick up these nunchaku.