Hey Guys,
I have been making a bounch of nunchucks lately and I was thinking that I wanted to donate 3 pair of chucks for the prize pool for the Chuck-off 2011. I have a bounch of different colors and designs.. I was thinking maybe give 2 of them "as is" for the colors and then the top winner will get to choose color, style/design, cord color and length, etc. What do ya think? I am posting a pic to give everyone an idea of what to expect.
I really want to give back to the forum and I think this would be a great way. I just wanted to see what everyone's thoughts are.
(in the Pic) the red chucks will have black 550 cord. The ones in the middle have red and black 550 cord.
I might just do 3 pair "as is" and then first place gets to choose what one he/she want's.. then seconds place gets the next choice.. then of course third gets the last pair. What do ya think? Thanks!
Update: Well, there are 6 categories so I will make 6 pair of chucks and the First Place winner of each category will win a chuck. (I'm not sure if there is going to be any other prizes in addition, but these are from me
