Author Topic: Chuck Off 2011 | RULES  (Read 7423 times)

June 02, 2011, 08:55:22 PM
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an international home-based freestyle nunchaku video tournament

The Chuck Off, is a yearly competition(for 5 years now!!!), hosted by Freestyle Forum, were any freestyler can participate. This is a skill based competition, so the focus will be there. Time for a serious fun!!!

The purpose of this competition, is to show the world what you are doing. Everybody is welcome, you don't need to be in a certain level to participate.  :like:

In order to be in this tournament, you need to have an account in (It's free!), upload a video to internet, make a topic with your entry here at the forum, and of course, follow the rules.

[box title=Categories]
In the Chuck Off, there are 6 categories: Single Nunchaku, Double Nunchaku, Fire Nunchaku, Glow Nunchaku, Warrior and Director.

You can choose in which one you want to participate (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) the more entries you participate(or participate all), the better.

Each categories has specific rules that must be follow, if not, your video won't be accepted.

Spirit of each category:

Single: The idea is to show what you can do with one nunchaku.

Double: The idea is to show what you can do with two nunchakus.

Warrior: To show the combat abilities of the freestyler.

Glow: To show what you can do, with one or two nunchakus, but with lights!

Fire: To show what you can do, with one or two nunchakus, but with fire!

Director: Show how you can create a nunchaku base video, with no rules.


[box title=RULES]

[box title=Applies to All]Music Content Problems: Due to copyright infringement firm that is implemented on youtube and facebook, using copyrighted music will disable your whole video to some countries. Solution is to try getting your local music band or "indie music" around the net instead. An alternative is to speedup/slowdown your music to 5 seconds or make the music sound during your freestyle session. Issues on facebook, your video upload will be disabled for a month or forever. On youtube, you will be given a chance to change the music via editing your videos and choosing their free music. On Vimeo, copyright infringement is not implemented so if you still want the music you chose, but is copyrighted on some sites, this one is a better choice to upload your videos. There is no way to tell if your music is copyrighted if you get them from the internet, radio or ripped from an audio cd

Video Labels
You have the option to include:
1. a word "Chuck Off 2011" on your video (or get an image one here: )
2. your Cybername and Country
3. Specify the category level ("singles", "doubles" etc..)
4. Freestyle Forum link or logo (That you can get here: )
5. Lets uniform the video label on the uploading site, like for example: "Chuck Off 2011 - Singles Entry by MojoWorko"

Mistake Proofing
Please avoid ending up the video footage to exactly  2 minutes, try getting a timer while footing your video. Its okay to drop the chux during the footage, there is no perfect stuffs, only excellence and love of art.


[box title=Single Nunchaku]

Number of entries: One video per member
MAX Length: 2 Minutes (5 seconds of error). WE WILL ENSURE THIS RULE
Editing: You CAN'T edit the footage, video must be one continuous shot with no editing. You Can add music and titles.
Freestyle: You can only use one nunchaku.
Video: This tournament will not accept videos used in previous competitions of the forum


[box title=Double Nunchaku]

Number of entries: One video per member
MAX Length: 2 Minutes (5 seconds of error). WE WILL ENSURE THIS RULE
Editing: You CAN'T edit the footage, video must be one continuous shot with no editing. You Can add music and titles.
Freestyle: You have to use two nunchaku.
Video: This tournament will not accept videos used in previous competitions of the forum


[box title=Glow]

Number of entries: One video per member
MAX Length: 2 Minutes (5 seconds of error). WE WILL ENSURE THIS RULE
Editing: You CAN'T edit the footage, video must be one continuous shot with no editing. You Can add music and titles.
Freestyle: You have to use a nunchaku with lights (leds, blacklight, etc) . One or two nunchakus is accepted.
Video: This tournament will not accept videos used in previous competitions of the forum


[box title=Fire]

Number of entries: One video per member
MAX Length: 2 Minutes (5 seconds of error). WE WILL ENSURE THIS RULE
Editing: You CAN'T edit the footage, video must be one continuous shot with no editing. You Can add music and titles.
Freestyle: You have to use a nunchaku with a fire nunchaku. One or two nunchakus is accepted.
Video: This tournament will not accept videos used in previous competitions of the forum


[box title=Warrior]

Number of entries: One video per member
MAX Length: 2 Minutes (5 seconds of error). WE WILL ENSURE THIS RULE
Editing: You can have a video from 1 to 5 clips, with no edition(modification on the running clip) on the clips itself, the only edition in the whole video must be the cuts between each clip and the titles and music. If you want to make more than one clip, every clip must have a different topic. So, for example you can have 3 different clips, the 1st one with shadow hitting, the 2nd with sparring and the 3rd with hitting a punching bag. If you create a video with 3 different clips, but the three of them about shadow hitting (this is more than one clip per topic) it wont be accepted.
- It can be done within multiple outlets you choose to do. A breaking display, kata, a seemingly violent freestyle, sparring, etc.
-  Any striking of another living being is prohibited. (read next rule for human fighting)
-  Human vs Human sparring can be accepted, but only with security equipment being used.
Video: This tournament will not accept videos used in previous competitions of the forum


[box title=Director]

Number of entries: One video per member
MAX Length: 3 Minutes (5 seconds of error). WE WILL ENSURE THIS RULE
Editing: You are free to edit your video as much as you want.
Freestyle: The video must be based in freestyle nunchaku.
Video: This tournament will not accept videos used in previous competitions of the forum


[box title=Tournament Stages]

[box title=]
All videos must be posted before July 11, 2011 at midnight(based on the most late GMT). We wont accept late entries

[box title=]
The Calm Before the Storm:
July 12 and 13, the submission board will be close to all the members, and the staff will set the polls for each video

[box title=]
Stage One:
All the videos will have a unique poll, and the members will vote, in a scale system from 1 to 10, 10 being the best, to determine the skill level of the participant.

[box title=]
We will analyze the votes, and we will sort different groups making them the most leveled as possible.

The average score awarded will be used to divide each category into tiers of 5 - 10 videos (beginner, intermediate, advanced, etc) with the number of tiers decided by the number of entries.

The ranking will be calculate by:

 - calculate the total points (1 vote for beginner worth 1 point, 1 vote for expert worth 4 points)
 - calculate the 'total points rank'
 - calculate the average vote (total points divided by number of votes)
 - calculate the 'average vote rank'
 - calculate the final rank ('total points rank' plus 'Median average vote rank' divided by two)

[box title=]
Stage Two:
Once we have the groups sorted, we will have the polls for the groups, and then we will find champions in each category, and in each level.

[box title=]
Champion of Champions:
After we know all the champions, we will make a poll with all of them, from each level and category, and we will find the Champion of Champions of the Chuck Off 2011


« Last Edit: June 02, 2011, 09:55:33 PM by psionics »
"The world is a better place when people communicate and understand each other." - Kriztov
"Strive for excellence, not perfection" - H. Jackson Brown
‎"Nobody has the power to make things perfect... But everyone is given countless chances to make things right..." - Ricky Santos

June 02, 2011, 09:57:13 PM
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Blind Cats and others, please make it clear at Discussion about new categories for CO2011 post
"The world is a better place when people communicate and understand each other." - Kriztov
"Strive for excellence, not perfection" - H. Jackson Brown
‎"Nobody has the power to make things perfect... But everyone is given countless chances to make things right..." - Ricky Santos

June 03, 2011, 01:13:57 AM
Reply #2


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thanks howard for a great work :respect: +K

June 03, 2011, 03:21:18 PM
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Wow,, :like: :2thumbsup:
I hope can join in this competition :respect:

June 03, 2011, 10:09:43 PM
Reply #4


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 :like:  great work Howard!   :respect:

June 04, 2011, 06:51:40 AM
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Time to get in this CO-competition-stuff....cannot believe I missed the Chuck Off twice in my personal FNF-life.... :hide:

Thinking to myself: have to be in in this wonderful fifth edition of CO2011.... :ninja:

June 04, 2011, 07:25:09 AM
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also :2thumbsup: :2thumbsup: :respect: I want to join in this competetion

June 04, 2011, 06:56:50 PM
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Think I'll compete as well :)

June 05, 2011, 07:27:29 PM
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Good job Psi, I'm in...  :2thumbsup:  :chuck:

June 05, 2011, 09:15:27 PM
Reply #9


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 :arg  Last year I was injured and did not participate  :-( , this year I am in! This will be greatest tournament in FNF history, well over 4000 members strong, some incredible new talent, and the return of some great chuckers, bring it!  :chuck:
Life isn't a trial, its a trail!

June 15, 2011, 02:48:25 AM
Reply #10


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cnat wait for this to start whens the entry deadline for this ?  ill need to get some glow sticks

June 15, 2011, 11:51:38 AM
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deadline is July 11, 2011. Floytoys has an excellent set of glows, check it out at member's annoucement board for offers.
"The world is a better place when people communicate and understand each other." - Kriztov
"Strive for excellence, not perfection" - H. Jackson Brown
‎"Nobody has the power to make things perfect... But everyone is given countless chances to make things right..." - Ricky Santos

June 17, 2011, 05:52:31 AM
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Hello there, good timing to make my return (Injured hand) and of course i'll participate. Greetings from Nicaragua  :like:

June 18, 2011, 09:06:00 AM
Reply #13


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Hello there, good timing to make my return (Injured hand) and of course i'll participate. Greetings from Nicaragua  :like:
welcome back bro  :like:
"The world is a better place when people communicate and understand each other." - Kriztov
"Strive for excellence, not perfection" - H. Jackson Brown
‎"Nobody has the power to make things perfect... But everyone is given countless chances to make things right..." - Ricky Santos

June 21, 2011, 03:38:38 AM
Reply #14


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So..... Is three chucks against the rules for everything but the director category?