stringed wood nunchucks, are fairly simple
-proper cording
-needle nose pliers
-something like a thin screwdriver ( to push cording through the holes)
-ruler for measuring hole placement (optional, u can eye it)
i also like to use a hand file to make grooves into the handle for extra grip, or maybe melt some paracord and drip it on, and wipe it off/ that leaves a splotchy effect for each drip that is somewhat grippy if u have enough.
TBH my list of tools is much more Utilitarian and varies depending on what kinda chux I'm making. But in this case I'll be telling you all how I made my airport loop corded chux
> Drill bit with hex end inserted into screwdriver with interchangeable heads (used as drill)
> Sandpaper
> Utility Razor
> Paracord (Or Nylon cord)
> Lighter
> Superglue (Lots of it)
> Tape
All of these things are easily accessible to almost anyone. If you know anyone who has simple tools, you can borrow the interchangeable screwdriver and hex-ended drill bit, (Has to be like 3/16 or slightly larger) you can get nylon cord or paracord almost anywhere, paracord being slightly less easy to obtain, a lighter can be stolen from a relative who is a smoker and returned before they can miss it, superglue you can get anywhere, as well as tape, a razor knife is something everybody should have to start with, and sandpaper you can get anywhere.
As for the shaft of the chux, you can make that out of a broom handle, no precise measuring is really required. Just eyeball it, cut a stick, and cut the second one the same length by lining it up and making a mark where you're gonna cut it.
then peel off the burrs with the razor knife and sand that down, drill your holes about an inch or so deep, take 2 pieces of paracord about 5" long, fold them in half and burn them together at the edns, and put the burnt ends into the holes and superglue the crap out of it, wait a while and put together your new airport loop chux.
I'm not at all afraid that they may come flying apart. It's Krazy glue ffs.