I think kvg and any trader or commercial operation should perhaps declare their interests, if not now, perhaps in the future. Whilst we are all currently aware of kvg's and Lee's business interests, new folks might not be, and, more to the point, as the hit rate goes up, new commercial intersts will be drawn here whose interests are perhaps not made as clear as kvg and Lee have.
Perhaps this could be done either by typing them under their icon ("Trader") or perhaps by allowing them some form of banner/logo in their signature. Although th elatter might be construed as just more advertising, it will allow members to see that they do have a vested interest. Perhaps, when the hit rate goes up, they might want to make a small contribution for such a banner/logo. Obvioulsy we don't want undue clutter on the boards (some banners have been a bit excessive imho).
Either way, its probably something the mods should tackle now b4 every MA trader and his uncle log on and push their stores', products.
I'd like to make it clear that imo, kvg and Lee have acted honourably in their dealings with the board.