Author Topic: Alternative Nunchaku Crafting methods  (Read 2741 times)

January 04, 2013, 02:05:14 AM
Reply #15


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 TBH I'd love to have a pair of chucks made of Rubber. Like, no swivel or anything, just a chain molded directly into 2 vats of liquid rubber.

 I guess if you took a 28" chain and sprayed both ends of it for 10" with flex seal, a whole freakin' lot of it, you'd have pretty much exactly what I'm talking about.

That way the chain would never fly off, the shafts would be weighted, and the rubber would be flexible and rounded to reduce the risk of injury and if you dropped them, on concrete or something, the rubber would absorb the shock as where a pair of wooden chucks would scratch or pit.
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January 07, 2013, 07:16:33 PM
Reply #16

Marcus Patricius

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I'm a mechanic so I can say my best alternative nunchaku is using a two piece size 20mm combination wrench tied together.. hahaha...
On a safer side I'll take a long cloth, make a knot on both sides, that's it, start spinning....

January 07, 2013, 11:21:19 PM
Reply #17


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I'm a mechanic so I can say my best alternative nunchaku is using a two piece size 20mm combination wrench tied together.. hahaha...
On a safer side I'll take a long cloth, make a knot on both sides, that's it, start spinning....

 Lol the wrench idea is cool.

 And I think a meteor hammer made of rope would be the most legal alternative to Nunchucks, only thing is you can't get ahold of it right for certain tricks and it's super light
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