'sup guys
I've almost completely repaired my broken foam chucks, but I'm facing 2 problems yet, take a look:

As you can see, the foam cover of one of the sticks is stuck and I can't find a way to put it in the right place. Brute force doesn't seem to work, and I was thinking about adding some oil but maybe the foam itself will absorb the oil and make things worse.
The other is almost ready, just a little more, but isn't that stuck as the other one and I don't know why.
The second problem (and this goes for my two pairs) is the cord replacement. I've been reading many DIY guides for cords here, but 99% of them are for sticks that have 2 pair of holes. As you can see in the next pic, the stick has only one:

I've found some tutorials for this situations, but, for example, a tutorial that requires the cord to go through the stick (inside it) from a side, and ends in the other side, but this stick has the bottom side covered. So I need another idea to place the cord and tie it firmly enough, with 1 pair of holes.
Please guys, I want to chuck again with my foamies.