Type: Darice bracelet-style glow stick
Dimensions: 8" long, 1/4" diameter
Bought from: Local Michaels Craft Store (not sold online)
Price: $1.00 for a pack of 15 (about $0.07 each)
General info: These thin, flexible glow sticks are meant for being wrapped around the wrist as a bracelet for concerts, etc. However, when left straight, they make great glow sticks from glow nunchaku.
Use: Because of the thinness of the glow sticks, they can be easily taped onto the nunchaku (or probably strapped on using a rubber band). When I taped them on using regular transparent sticky tape, they lasted a pretty rough session before falling off. They fit perfectly on my 12" nunchaku, leaving 4" of room for grabbing the nunchaku. Of course, due to the thinness, one can even hold the part with the glow stick attached, though doing so is what eventually caused the tape attaching the glow sticks to the nunchaku to rip off.
Extremely cheap
Thinness allows easy attachment and gripping and more stability
Length is ideal for 12" nunchaku
Last several hours
Small size means less glow
No holes on the end for other uses
Conclusion: I think these glow sticks are ideal for nunchaku. Apart from the advantages of the thinness and length, the price is drastically cheaper than other glow sticks. The one real disadvantage that I noticed, the size of the glow, could be easily fixed by attaching more glow sticks to the same area. Though I reviewed the Darice brand (which I can't seem to find online), similar bracelet glow stick products are available elsewhere (prices will vary).