this is a completly pointless (spam) game. it really is a shot in the dark, but it will help us get to know eachother a bit better.
so here's how it goes. its like most other spam games. someone will guess the next poster's real name, not username, and then the next poster will reply saying (probably) No, ______ is my name. and so on and so on.
ex. i think the next poster's name is George
no, it's bill
i think the next poster's name will be frank.......
ill go first. My name is Matt
i think the next poster's name will be John.
now i know this will be EXTREMELY difficult to guess the next poster's real name, so i will probably make an award for it, im not sure how going about that, ill have to ask Kriztov, but this is what i think it should look like, tell me if you think it's good (its a "psycic" award)