hey mate, i know i dont have any where near the experience the other guys do with nunchucks but i thought i'd just put my 2 cents in:
when i started with nunchucks (i wanst on the forum then so i did it purely on my own) i got recommended a standard set of foam-padded ones at the m.a store, and they were good for building up confidence in the basic passes and spins, but last month i bought myself a pair of wooden ones and the difference was astounding, as the weight distribution is more towards the end of the handle which makes it a lot easier to do tricks (wrist rolls were unbelievably impossible with the foams, but i figured i was just too uncoordinated) and the like.
so bascally, long story short, if you want (or feel like you need) to build up your confidence then by all means go for foam-padded, but it would be a good idea to keep a look out for wooden ones for when you feel more confident

ultimately its really depending on how daring you are - i was just a bit of a chicken with the idea of blows to my head from wooden sticks on chains