So this one time I was walking home from Sonic with some friends when someone made a joke and we all started laughing. As we were laughing, this car drives by, then stops and drives backwards until he was right next to us. He got out of his car and I kid you not, he was a severe burn victim, like the kind you see on shock videos when you get your driver's license. He started running towards us shouting, "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?!!" and pointing to his face. Needless to say, we hauled ass all the way to my house. Can you picture it? A bunch of ten year olds being chased down the sidewalk by an angry burn victim.
A few years later, almost the exact same thing happened again. I was with some friends celebrating this guys birthday at Chili's. We were laughing and cutting up as young boys do, when this lady walks up to our table and puts her hands on my friend max. She started shaking him and telling us that that was her son we were laughing at, and how heartless and cruel we were for making fun of him, and how ashamed we should all be of ourselves. Then she left, and we burst out laughing even harder because we had no idea what the hell she was talking about. I'm guessing she was there with some disabled or mentally retarded kid or something, and thought we were laughing at him, but we never even saw him.
I guess people are really self conscious.