A long time ago there was an epic battle between the FIRE and ICE Nation..... Their Elder's want to end this long war for good, they decided and end it with an agreement that each tribe will represent their own champion to battle on a rocky mountain called, BURSTONE. Who ever will be victorious will win a free trip to Disney Land all expense are NOT paid..... From the FIRE Tribe - Vulcan, Son of Azkabar, King of Fire Nation and from the ICE Clan - ZeroCool, Son of StoneCold, Ruler of Magic Mountain. .....and so the Battle Begins........
.......10,000 years later..... a young lad say this is full of CRAP!!!
(sorry for my bad english)
Ice Nunchaku - Man, this thing is cold..... I can't even hold it for a straight 1minute long...... I know, some member's of this board are Fire Spinners, but I think, I'm the only "Stupid" guy who's willing to be an Ice Spinners or Ice chucker...... hehehe.....
If i find some more free time on my hands, I'll try to make a much nicer Ice Nunchaku.

You can do some basic tricks with this!
1. Clear Plastic Bag
2. Nylon Cord or any cord...
3. Water, Soda, Wine, Beer, Ice Cream or any liquid you like....
4. Nylon Cable Ties
Thanks for looking!