I just got a pair not too long ago, same thing (the game of death nunchaku) only mine are a little different. All I wanted was a pair of yellow chucks because yellow stands out more than any color in the visible spectrum, making it easier to see the chucks when doing aerials and stuff. The only place I could find that had a yellow pair was woodalls custom workshop. The only real difference with my pair is that I asked for them not to have the 2 engraved black lines at the bottom for comfort reasons and for more strength to the wood in that area. I still put the 2 black lines there with electrical tape when I got them because it looks cool and stands out when they spin. And I also made a handgrip out of electrical tape (like I always do) to make the yellow rope stand out (you can view my pair on my signature below). I love these chucks and have never had a pair like them before. They are so much lighter than what I was used to, which I feel makes doing tricks easier. And the brass inserts where the rope comes out make for a smoother swing and more strength in that area. My last pair eventually broke apart where the rope comes out from constant use. I HIGHLY recommend purchasing a pair from woodalls if you love chucking and all you ever had was cheap $10.00 mass produced piece of crap chucks, you wont believe what a difference it makes!