Today, after 8 days since ordering, I finally got my 2 white oak pro chux in the mail. I'm glad to say it was worth the wait. I messed with them for over 3 straight hours outside today.
First off, these are the standard ones being sold at . Octagonal, 12 in., corded. You might want to do a search for pro chux here if you haven't heard of them yet, as they are a little different than, ahem, "dinosaur chucks"

These things are pretty skinny, but not too much - their weight is sufficient, though still on the light side. They could definitely be used as a martial arts weapon.
Both are very well balanced - no issues there.
Now for swinging. Right away, it felt right doing passes, bounces..all the real basics. They go where you want, no guesswork - Lee wasn't kidding there; the shorter cord makes them much more accurate.
The problem area is in doing hand/wrist rolls. It takes a lot of getting used to; you have to move your hand out of the way faster and, as has been said a million times, keep your hands closer to the middle than the top, like near the pins.
Even still, it took me over an hour to feel confident doing rolls. By the end of my long session, though, I felt I was on my way, and that I definitely could do them as well as on my practice chucks given a few more hours of practice.
I'm not good at throws yet, but I did a little and I think they'd be great for them; the shorter rope makes them spin straight instead of wobble.
One concern I have is making these things look/feel like chux as I use them, not batons; they just don't feel as mighty as regulars do.
Overall, I'm very satisfied so far with these - the accuracy and speed of pro chux are amazing. Well worth the money - I have a feeling I'm going to be buying a set of these in ebony or another more exotic wood eventually.
Feel free to ask questions...and I hope this helps.