*** Trade Name *** Lignum Vitae / Verawood
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Latin Name: Bulnesia sarmientii lor ex gris
Origin: South America, Purchased from Chester, England, Gardner hardwood is one of the most respected oldest firms in the U.K., 240 years old.
Character: A very dense, hard close grained wood. Fine, uniform texture with interlocked grain. Ranges in color from greenish olive to darker green with some black. Our strains oxidize to aquamarine blue and forest green. Wood turns a richer color as dries. Highly resined and durable.
K/D A/D A/D 15 yr.
Working Properties: Finishes to a high, lustrous surface, glues well
Uses: Flooring, furniture, turnings, cabinetry, mill work, boxes and specialty items.
Dimension: Sq. Ed, billets, turning logs, planks, blocks, assorted pieces and slabs
Stock: Square edge pieces, 1250 lb., 4qt to 8qt, 4" to 10" width, 36' to 48' length 1 Square Billet 8.75" X 8.75" X 74", Green Verawood
3 Turning Logs: 5" 8" 12" Diameter, by 36" to 42" Length, Verawood
1 Slab Log: 11" Diameter, cut 4 qt. PCs., 43" length, Verawood
2 Slab Log: 11" Diameter cut 3/8" thick PCs., 52" and 44" length, Verawood
Price: $8.50 pound
Note: The aroma of this stock is of exotic floral scents. Very aromatic.
that is what i was looking at. im gonna call the phone number when i get paid cause im gonna have Lee make me two verawood prochux. a 4" x 36" piece woud get the job done plus leave me wood left over to have the custom wood shop in my city make my verawood square chux