Matt Emig broke his leg at the 2008 LoopKikcs camp in San Jose He has been told by his doctors that he may never jump again.
doctors always say stuff like that because they don't want to get your hopes up. when i broke my arm (twice) i had 2 sets of titanium plates put in, they told me that it was probably best if i didn't continue doing any kind of MA, and when i told them i use nunchaku they told me it was far to risky to do anymore due to the high likelihood that i could break it again,they said it would eb apermanent weakness, and i could sustain permanent nerve damage, which woulld result in the loss of the use of all of the fingers on my left hand/
within 3 days of being out of my cast when i had the plates removed i was back on the chucks again, and my arm has been getting better ever since,
if i were to have listened to the doctors. nobody would have ever heard of me. and i certainly wouldnt be here.
all im saying is that if you talk to Matt, tell him not to take it too fast, but don't give up entirely,, a lot of this kinda thing is about endurance and will power.
im sure he'll be up and tricking in no time