Author Topic: FLAME THREAD!  (Read 19246 times)

December 24, 2008, 05:15:17 AM
Reply #90


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Prox - I love the way you specifically said my anus was silly, as if the part of the body that's had a dick inside it is the only part that's silly... if that were true your anus, mouth, nose, ears and eyeball sockets and appendix scar are as silly as two boys f#cking - but the rest of you is totally straight...

December 24, 2008, 10:48:58 AM
Reply #91


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Prox - I love the way you specifically said my anus was silly, as if the part of the body that's had a dick inside it is the only part that's silly... if that were true your anus, mouth, nose, ears and eyeball sockets and appendix scar are as silly as two boys f#cking - but the rest of you is totally straight...

uhh, silly? thats a matter of opinion... your anus is G.A.Y. because of the amount of D.I.K. that gets shuved in there... And don't get me wrong, I specifcally said it was only your anus, because you are not G.A.Y., and I know that, you are just a B.I.T.C.H. and you got no choice but to get all that D.I.K. shuvved up your anus, making it G.A... the f**k... Y...

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December 24, 2008, 05:40:48 PM
Reply #92


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but the rest of you is totally straight...

And how do you now that?!?!  :roll:

This is going to be a confession thread?!?!

December 25, 2008, 03:16:24 AM
Reply #93


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Ah man, I forgot all about the forum filters... 'silly' really takes the sting out of the insult... I'll try to make up for it...

I got a PM a few days ago from Prox's Mum (she's registered here as c0ck_h0und)... I wasn't going to share it as PM's are meant to be private, but I think this is something the rest of you should know...

She told me that Prox's family tour the country performing a family show called The Sophisticates... Because of the trauma this show has caused Prox has a few (how shall we say it...) 'kinks', and she wanted us to take it easy on him... It's a multi-generational show... Prox and his sister, their parents, and his grandma and grandpa... Basically the three girls get down on their hands and knees, his sister, mother and grandma... asses in the air... to start the show his grandpa starts doing his grandma, after all that's how the family got started... then his dad starts doing his mum, that's how Prox came into being... then Prox starts doing his sister... that's how the next generation will be created. Once they've hit their stride, they all pull out in synch and shuffle one place around the circle... Prox starts doing his mum, his dad does his grandma, and his grandpa cycles round to do Prox's sister... this time they really give it some, but again pull out and cycle round... the girls move into a triangle and go for a three-tongue knot in the middle.. while Prox's grandpa does his mother, his dad does his sister, and Prox himself is the climax of the show (quite literally) as he blows his load up his grandma's rear passage. As a denouement they roll around in each other's excrement, before standing to take a bow. The show received rave reviews in The University of London Arts (where Prox learnt his trade).

Have I gone too far yet?

 :roll: :evil: :fu: (Prox man, you started this thread asking for it..  :craze )

December 25, 2008, 04:52:12 AM
Reply #94


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hummmm... i change the name of this thread to: FLAME THREAD! (ADULTS ONLY!!!!!)    :omg:

December 26, 2008, 01:28:32 PM
Reply #95


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prox, do you have a tumor for a face?  :hide:
or are you 9yrs old and just trying to be cool?

oh and jmvicuna, your new nickname is hairyMcFagballs it means "kriztov's secret lover" in Korean.
Nunchucka mutha fucka.
Like my Post? so does your mother,

December 26, 2008, 03:59:06 PM
Reply #96


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Dont worry Matt, Kriztov always said that your are the only one for him, so dont be jealus of me  :thumb:, i wont be in the middle of your relationship

December 27, 2008, 03:17:29 AM
Reply #97


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I don't normally get involved with spam board threads, but it's not often I get the chance to call SpinStorm a knob-gobbling tonsil-tickler, and I just couldn't pass that up...

Sad to have to be the one to point this out but your a cum guzzling spunk junky who couldnt get laid at an orgy and couldnt get a girl even if it was an arranged marriage. The only time you got a positive result in ANYTHING was your HIV test and the only reason you dont use chain nunchaku is because it would rip your pubes out during your morning ritual prancing around in pink panties with one chak up your arse pretending the other is your wang.. .. Plus chain is just too damn hardcore for a cord fairy like yourself.. and Matt Chez of course  :fu:

Spinstorm - The English Vanilla Ice

beats modelling your hairstyle on someone undergoing treatment for leukemia RC  :evil:

as for all the lame-o's relying on yo mamma disses, YOUR mums so stupid she f00ked me,
thinking I was YOU, I gave her £1 for a blowjob and got change, mustve been the prize for
being the 1,000,000th customer or something, no wonder she was so slack, she's had more cock than KFC..


SpinStorm Freechaku Tutorials:

Who Dares Spinz - Official Freestyle Nunchaku Forum & Freechaku T-Shirts

December 30, 2008, 12:18:57 AM
Reply #98


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hey fight club was a kick a$$ movie  ur g@y for saying that its g@y

And you're ghttp://ay for using crazy acassi letters in place of normal ones.


January 08, 2009, 12:08:43 PM
Reply #99


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Ah man, I forgot all about the forum filters... 'silly' really takes the sting out of the insult... I'll try to make up for it...

I got a PM a few days ago from Prox's Mum (she's registered here as c0ck_h0und)... I wasn't going to share it as PM's are meant to be private, but I think this is something the rest of you should know...

She told me that Prox's family tour the country performing a family show called The Sophisticates... Because of the trauma this show has caused Prox has a few (how shall we say it...) 'kinks', and she wanted us to take it easy on him... It's a multi-generational show... Prox and his sister, their parents, and his grandma and grandpa... Basically the three girls get down on their hands and knees, his sister, mother and grandma... asses in the air... to start the show his grandpa starts doing his grandma, after all that's how the family got started... then his dad starts doing his mum, that's how Prox came into being... then Prox starts doing his sister... that's how the next generation will be created. Once they've hit their stride, they all pull out in synch and shuffle one place around the circle... Prox starts doing his mum, his dad does his grandma, and his grandpa cycles round to do Prox's sister... this time they really give it some, but again pull out and cycle round... the girls move into a triangle and go for a three-tongue knot in the middle.. while Prox's grandpa does his mother, his dad does his sister, and Prox himself is the climax of the show (quite literally) as he blows his load up his grandma's rear passage. As a denouement they roll around in each other's excrement, before standing to take a bow. The show received rave reviews in The University of London Arts (where Prox learnt his trade).

Have I gone too far yet?

 :roll: :evil: :fu: (Prox man, you started this thread asking for it..  :craze )

wow... i tried everything to gain the motivation to write a whole bullshit story in the attempt of dissing someone... but im not a, stuck up his own ass, bullshit writer...

i dont bullshit... i say what i see... and when i see your face Kriz... what i actually see is a fountain of regurgitating period juice... suck my balls...


ps kirz... how did you know im workin at the university of the arts?
You do not need to leave your room.  Remain sitting at your table and listen.
Do not even listen, simply wait.  Do not even wait, be quite still and solitary. 
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January 08, 2009, 06:17:22 PM
Reply #100


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gimme all you got i aint been here long but what cha think of me.
67steph67[4:26:05 AM]: we are all as some little god ><

January 09, 2009, 11:21:26 AM
Reply #101


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gimme all you got i aint been here long but what cha think of me.

i think your awesome...  :lol:
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Do not even listen, simply wait.  Do not even wait, be quite still and solitary. 
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January 09, 2009, 11:57:08 AM
Reply #102


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ps kirz... how did you know im workin at the university of the arts?

'Cos I can abuse my leet admin powers

'Cos I'm a friggin' psychic

January 09, 2009, 12:26:43 PM
Reply #103


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'Cos I can abuse my leet admin powers

'Cos I'm a friggin' psychic

lol nice...

by the way... you sorta got pwnd kriz...

gimme all you got i aint been here long but what cha think of me.

and f**k it i dont think your awesome... i think you smell like sweaty bollocks... go hang yourself...
You do not need to leave your room.  Remain sitting at your table and listen.
Do not even listen, simply wait.  Do not even wait, be quite still and solitary. 
The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice,
it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.

January 09, 2009, 01:06:32 PM
Reply #104


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by the way... you sorta got pwnd kriz...

If by 'sorta' you actually mean 'didn't at all'... then gee... yeah, I guess you're right for once!

But if you need to 'try everything to gain motivation' to play the game, then quit while you're flagging pathetically behind, duuude.

You're a good kid. You try hard. But I can flame your ass easier than passing gas.

You don't have the verbal dexterity to intimidate.
You don't have the insight to upset.
You've got a good gross-out factor, I'll give you that, but I'm not twelve any more, so that fountains of regurgitated period juice bullshit just aint gonna fly no more.

So why don't we just shake hands, agree that I'm better than you (in every way imaginable), and move on with our lives, eh?  :greendude: