Author Topic: Anyone experimented with round tops?  (Read 3681 times)

July 19, 2009, 02:38:47 AM
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I just got done building these:

I've used rounded tops many times before, but I just did it again with these chucks and it reminded me how much smoother they flow when they are. Basically, it means there's way less resistance as the cord is grinding past the top edge. Feel better and goes faster.

It' almost like using a BB set up.
and if anyone asks, they aren't balanced correctly. In order to do that I'd need to drill another inch down from the top.

July 19, 2009, 02:39:34 AM
Reply #1

Wild Industry

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Huh. That seems like a really good idea. Why have I never thought of it before?

July 19, 2009, 02:45:08 AM
Reply #2


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thats really neat, and those are nice chux too, what kind of wood are they?

July 19, 2009, 02:49:33 AM
Reply #3


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Thanks, but they are crappy American cherry which is light and dents easy. :doh

Having rounded tops like that also makes it easier to do thumb rolls. Think of it this way: It's easier to slide down a ramp than a flight of stairs.

and it you don't have a belt sander, the sidewalk works great.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2009, 02:55:04 AM by Berserkergang »

July 19, 2009, 03:44:05 AM
Reply #4


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very cool chuxs, the cherry wood looks great too,  they probably wouldn't pinch much with long cords while doing wrist spin reversals,  bounces ect.. great ideal :2thumbsup:

July 19, 2009, 12:49:24 PM
Reply #5


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wo man looks so unic :whahaa
love them  :respect:
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July 22, 2009, 07:42:20 PM
Reply #6

The Arialchucker

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I was thinking about something like that, but never made some, nice chucks man, congratulations :2thumbsup:
==-== where some people see a broom stick, I see a whole new pair of nunchucks^^ ==-==

July 22, 2009, 11:20:22 PM
Reply #7


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I don't think round tops would make much of a difference. The chucks I use are metal pipe chucks and so they will pinch the snot out off you.

But.... They don't pinch me anymore. To me the pinching encouraged me to smoothen out my chucking and I believe it has.

So round tops might be nice in the beginning, but in the long run I don't think the would really improve your freestyle because the better you get the smoother your moves are and the less difference rounds vs square tops.

Don't get me wrong, occasionally my metals still will pinch me good, but that's usually during a sloppy digit roll. But that's expected and hardly bothers me anymore.

I still round the edges a little on the tops of new wood homemades, but that's more for aesthetics than practicality.

July 23, 2009, 05:51:09 AM
Reply #8


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i have a round pair like that ones you made. but i never noticed anything. lol

July 23, 2009, 07:45:06 AM
Reply #9


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I'll simplify it.

Round rolls across another object better than angled(ie: any form of a corner which applies extra friction or pressure), and that is relevant in ALL possible forms of play.

Take the ends of a rope in both hands and rub it back and forth on the corners of an open doorway. Now imagine doing the same thing but with the corners rounded... there is less friction resulting in faster, easier movement.

Try rolling a square explaination necessary.

Try sliding down a flight of stairs on your back. Then do it again with the edges of the stairs rounded off, you WILL go down faster.

square tops as opposed to rounded tops:
Imagine you're doing an upwards figure eight, this is what's happening as the cord has to make contact hitting the corner at the top, making a "shhhk" noise as it slides past.

It isn't an amazing amount of difference, but it's still a difference. It's like when racers do whatever they can to make their car go faster/ect.

This is the exact reason why BB chucks seem/do flow smoother and go faster than cord. There is NO grind. If you look at your BB chucks, the first link of the chain extends out past the top of the chuck like an arm, making it so the chain doesn't rub the top of the chucks during use. See where I'm going with this?

« Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 07:50:08 AM by Berserkergang »

July 23, 2009, 02:34:37 PM
Reply #10

Heru Pyrkagia

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looks pretty trick bro! my only concern would be that the wood near the top would be rather weak. i mean, your making an already weak point of the nunchaku even more weak by giving such a dramatic taper to it. i would be scared to spin those on anything other than grass, and hitting anything would be out of the question for me.

that being said, im sure they do have a really nice feel to them. the less stepdown from wood to cord, the smoother it should feel (hypothetical).

July 23, 2009, 08:33:05 PM
Reply #11


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Good points, the design woul weaken the wood a bit. but I've dropped them fron aerials onto cement plenty of times.  :-P

But since those ones have a pin instead of big holes and channels drilled out, it's not too bad.

July 23, 2009, 11:09:50 PM
Reply #12


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Ok, so your talking about square tops, round tops, and round tapered tops? For some reason I thought when you where saying square you where talking about the round tops in the picture I made.

I can see there being an advantage of having rounds vs squares, but not rounds vs round tapered. They way most of use chuck I wouldn't think the tapering at the very end would have any difference what so ever to freestyle performance other than a slightly different feel, cause that is where we tend to hold on to the chucks.

July 24, 2009, 12:10:32 AM
Reply #13


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No I was talking about round tops, what I meant was there is always a major edge which creates a point of increased drag.

The top of untapered round has an edge in which the cord has to make contact with and drag apon. Which is eliminated when the tops are tapered. What I'm talking about is a point of contact drag/grinding.

figure eight ratio with pointed out areas of drag/grind. The "shhhvvtt..shhvtt...shhvvvtt' noise you hear when chucking with cord is the sound of the grind.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2009, 12:50:54 AM by Berserkergang »

July 25, 2009, 12:47:24 AM
Reply #14


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Ok ok, I get it now. Yeah, I see how it could be more effecient.