Author Topic: Who Has The Best REAL Nunchaku...?  (Read 49179 times)

February 21, 2010, 06:12:43 AM
Reply #75


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I didn’t declare anything on Dolan's corded nunchaku, I simply didn’t buy from Dolans again after my experience with the u-swivel. Back then It was only natural to think it was the wood that was bad, when in fact it was the swivel.  Just to be clear, the only Dolans I had where two u-swivels.

Actually you said...

Dolan's used to sell cheap nunchaku because it was cheap wood and design...

I even asked specifically about corded Dolans in reply on page two and this is the first time you've stated nothing is wrong with Dolans corded nunchaku. Of course they use exactly the same wood on both configurations. So I guess it is safe to say you were incorrect about Dolans having cheap wood and that is just a conclusion you arrived at. Now your only complaint is you feel the U swivel chain was inferior and weak.

12 pair!!! Really….  You know there was an 80s recession, and that lasted a few years, besides nowadays we have online and quality, even if the economy suxs, 50 dollars is not bad for a custom made nunchaku.

Ok, let me try and help you again.

In 1983 Dolans base nunchaku Rock Maple corded was $4.95 which in 2009 dollars would be $10.77

In 1983 Dolans base swivel nunchaku Rock Maple was $7.95 which in 2009 dollars would be $17.30

In 1983 Dolans mid range nunchaku Rosewood corded was $10.95 which in 2009 dollars would be $23.82

In 1983 Dolans mid range swivel nunchaku Rosewood was $12.95 which in 2009 dollars would be $28.17

In 1983 Dolans best nunchaku Cocobolo corded was $15.95 which in 2009 dollars would be $34.70

In 1983 Dolans mid range swivel nunchaku Cocobolo was $17.95 which in 2009 dollars would be $39.05

These were Dolans prices from 1979 until about 1986 when they went out of business. The prices were the same before, during and after the 80s recession. As you can see in every case they are much more affordable than a $50 pair of nunchaku today.

Furthermore we are in an economy so bad we are yearning for the days of the 80s recession. So in this economy even if the Dolans were the same price after inflation (which they are not) it would still be less cost effective to buy a $50 nunchalu today than a $22.99 nunchaku in 1983 which is how expensive they would have to be in 1983 to be a $50 pair today.

If I could get a Maple U swivel nunchaku for even $20 from Woodalls (which is actually slightly more than the Dolans price adjusted for inflation) I'd grab a dozen.
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February 21, 2010, 06:46:58 AM
Reply #76


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I have a pair of those. I think is was quoted recently in on thread.

What I did was to solder the chain to the inside of the tube.

Now those are really heavy duty jmvicuna, those will be around a long time, that would be ideal for some heavy use. A welded chain definitely wins over swivel or a cord setup. :chuck:

Ok my misunderstanding.  I think it was the word "dinky" that irked people.

I see,  had I said poor old dinky chucks, then I could understand… But  I’m only using dinky as for the size, my slanguage may not be forum suitable lol.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 07:14:18 AM by nunchuckalot »

February 21, 2010, 06:58:05 AM
Reply #77


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Actually you said...

I'm not really saying anything different.

I’m not sure I said anything about Dolans corded nunchaku, that was a few pages back lol. Yes I said cheap wood and design... If Dolans was still around and selling the same swivel chuck, people may still think the wood is cheap. I guess a cheap nunchaku would be less than $50.
Still, custom made is better than,  compared to Dolan prices.

February 21, 2010, 08:19:35 AM
Reply #78


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I'm not really saying anything different.

I’m not sure I said anything about Dolans corded nunchaku, that was a few pages back lol. Yes I said cheap wood and design... If Dolans was still around and selling the same swivel chuck, people may still think the wood is cheap. I guess a cheap nunchaku would be less than $50.
Still, custom made is better than,  compared to Dolan prices.

Well first the wood was bad, then there was nothing wrong with the wood - just the swivel and now the wood is once again bad.


Exactly what kind of politician are you in real life?

And custom expensive nunchaku are superior to Dolan's production nunchaku why exactly? Custom just means limited production without the capacity for standardization. Making them one at a time doesn't necessarily mean they are better. That has more to do with the actual difference in price than anything else.

In any case, given my personal experience I'm going to say I disagree with your opinions and conclusions and leave it at that.
It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.


February 21, 2010, 09:52:32 AM
Reply #79


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I dont know why you guys hate stadard bbs. I will try to get a vid done today showing they are just as hard as any other type of nunchaku, there are hard as hell wood, nothing special, bought from an online martial arts store, and you can drop them from 20-30 ft and all it doest it chips abit of paint on them. they weigh like 450g, and with the new antipop bearings i recon i could do pullups with them and the bbs wouldnt break. Just an opinion, ill try to make a vid and post it later.
67steph67[4:26:05 AM]: we are all as some little god ><

February 21, 2010, 10:34:38 AM
Reply #80


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Well first the wood was bad, then there was nothing wrong with the wood - just the swivel and now the wood is once again bad.

Yes, for example if your Dolan u-swivel nunchaku wood was fractured, the wood would seem bad. And maybe the wood was bad, that was my impression 30 years ago.  However, no matter how good or bad the wood was, the swivel can destroy the wood, that is a fact.  As a person who purchases nunchaku, you do not want to take chances with a defective wood or design.

Exactly what kind of politician are you in real life?

Why, should I be one, or is that a insult lol.

And custom expensive nunchaku are superior to Dolan's production nunchaku why exactly? Custom just means limited production without the capacity for standardization. Making them one at a time doesn't necessarily mean they are better. That has more to do with the actual difference in price than anything else.

In any case, given my personal experience I'm going to say I disagree with your opinions and conclusions and leave it at that.

Why again?  first, a custom made nunchaku today, is not as "expensive" with the general rise of prices since the 80's compared to Dolan $$$. If Dolans was still around today inflation would raise their production price with certain woods, unless they are using defective wood to beat a pushing inflation, in which may have been the case in the 80's, who knows.

Second, custom doesn't necessarily mean limited production, it could mean better than the standard, and not just for personal specification, a customer's specification doesn't necessarily mean a rise in price too. The actual difference in price can be up to the customer, in which case is better than what Dolans had to offer, much better than just selecting wood choice. The wood and design of the u-swivel nunchaku was left with uncertainty and controversy, as there was a problem with them. I really can't understand how you couldn't have known about the cheap vibe back then, giving there is evidence about the defective u-swivel?

To each his own, I guess...
« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 10:43:39 AM by nunchuckalot »

February 21, 2010, 10:37:45 AM
Reply #81


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I dont know why you guys hate stadard bbs. I will try to get a vid done today showing they are just as hard as any other type of nunchaku, there are hard as hell wood, nothing special, bought from an online martial arts store, and you can drop them from 20-30 ft and all it doest it chips abit of paint on them. they weigh like 450g, and with the new antipop bearings i recon i could do pullups with them and the bbs wouldnt break. Just an opinion, ill try to make a vid and post it later.

I don't hate bb, they are the best to goof around with.... yeah like to see your video  8-)

February 21, 2010, 06:59:38 PM
Reply #82


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I dont know why you guys hate stadard bbs.

I don't hate them. I've had a lot of them over the years. I've just found they don't hold up to abuse as much as a simple cord connection or a U swivel. The other problem with BB systems is they range in quality from really strong to will come flying apart depending upon who made them and when. I had a pair of speedchucks from about 81' that I bought from AWMA that took almost 20 years to die and outlasted many of the same model from the same place bought in the early 90s.
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February 21, 2010, 07:21:17 PM
Reply #83


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I dont know why you guys hate stadard bbs.

Well, there are many examples when ball bearing have broke. Yayu once posted a picture of his BB broken.

The cord, in the other hand is better because you can see when it actually will break (if you check them, you can see when it start to fry)

The U-swivel have been prove that breaks with strong use, Matt-chez and Yetibutt have broken them.

The metal nunchaku I have (the pictures in the previous page) can brake at any minute, and I won't know until it happens, because is difficult to see a metal with a soft point.

In the end, every system will die, but at least with cord you know when is time to replace.... with metal, that can happen any day.

I wish to see a nunchaku with ball bearings in angle, I think that will give more force to the nunchaku itself, and will last longer:

February 21, 2010, 09:05:09 PM
Reply #84


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I see,  had I said poor old dinky chucks, then I could understand… But  I’m only using dinky as for the size, my slanguage may not be forum suitable lol.

I get it now you are always right and even though I tried to be nice and apologize you still feel the need to be right and justify your comments, just accept my apology and move on.

February 22, 2010, 09:40:23 AM
Reply #85


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I get it now you are always right and even though I tried to be nice and apologize you still feel the need to be right and justify your comments, just accept my apology and move on.

I don't think it has anything to do with being self righteous, however nothing wrong with that, who isn't overly opinionated in this forum?  But hey I rather accept your apology and move on, not that you needed to apologize or be nice, I have no problems with what you or anyone said. 

February 23, 2010, 07:47:04 AM
Reply #86


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I dont know why you guys hate stadard bbs. I will try to get a vid done today showing they are just as hard as any other type of nunchaku, there are hard as hell wood, nothing special, bought from an online martial arts store, and you can drop them from 20-30 ft and all it doest it chips abit of paint on them. they weigh like 450g, and with the new antipop bearings i recon i could do pullups with them and the bbs wouldnt break. Just an opinion, ill try to make a vid and post it later.

it only takes one bb chuck to pop and fly into a babys face, eradicating the baby and ruining your life. so please think of the children.

but on a serious note... it just depends on the manufacturer some BB chucks might just be the bees knees.

February 23, 2010, 02:22:33 PM
Reply #87


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fell asleep while reading this discussion....boaaaaring...
why don´t you just try some pairs....oh, forgot: white-collar-business-people do not have money in these sorry you won´t try Woodall´s....
hey and one more thing: fantastic that people can calculate and compare prizes from 1980 to now...really impressive... so better find a solution to get back to this 80´s-shop...

hope nobody sees my sarcastic

nuff said,


February 23, 2010, 03:27:45 PM
Reply #88


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it only takes one bb chuck to pop and fly into a babys face, eradicating the baby and ruining your life. so please think of the children.

but on a serious note... it just depends on the manufacturer some BB chucks might just be the bees knees.

Thats why i don't chuck with babies around.
67steph67[4:26:05 AM]: we are all as some little god ><

February 23, 2010, 03:29:11 PM
Reply #89


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Lol hell thats the reason ill barely chuck with my mom in the room  :lmfao:  (OPEN YOUR EYES!)