I have plenty of experience with my DIY's, over the months I've come to my own personal conclusions and tools to use to make the entire process most effcient for my personal use.
However, I always seem to make the same mistake with most of my pairs. Not all the time, but most of the time.
When I go to drill my bores, thery get off center. I know if I had a drill press then it wouldnt be a problem, but I generally dont have much luck drawing a perfectly straight line on a cylinder, or drilling a straight hole. It usually doenst look too bad when the pilot holes are drilled, but when I move to a bigger bit they visually get worse and worse.
It almost never affects the way the chucks swing and their usability, but somtimes it can be an eyesore and just disapointing to look at. Perfect paint jobs, Perfect knots, well sanded on the ends and in the top bore, but uneven loop holes.
Any help or suggestions to help me overcome this minor problem would be appreciated!