Author Topic: DIY Help - Even bores  (Read 3846 times)

July 31, 2010, 09:23:33 PM
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I have plenty of experience with my DIY's, over the months I've come to my own personal conclusions and tools to use to make the entire process most effcient for my personal use.

However, I always seem to make the same mistake with most of my pairs. Not all the time, but most of the time.

When I go to drill my bores, thery get off center. I know if I had a drill press then it wouldnt be a problem, but I generally dont have much luck drawing a perfectly straight line on a cylinder, or drilling a straight hole. It usually doenst look too bad when the pilot holes are drilled, but when I move to a bigger bit they visually get worse and worse.

It almost never affects the way the chucks swing and their usability, but somtimes it can be an eyesore and just disapointing to look at. Perfect paint jobs, Perfect knots, well sanded on the ends and in the top bore, but uneven loop holes.

Any help or suggestions to help me overcome this minor problem would be appreciated!

August 02, 2010, 05:10:07 AM
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Try to hold the drill straight and steady with both hands, then slowly drill the wood.
Sometimes i still cant make a straight hole though.
Btw do you have pics of your loop holes?

August 02, 2010, 01:06:34 PM
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I don't know if there's going to be any tips that anyone can give you other than to get a hold of a proper drill press, experiment with ways to create a drill press or just keep practicing at doing it freehand.

August 02, 2010, 09:36:20 PM
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I don't have any pics right now, I did upload some pics of some of my DIYs awhile back, but on those its not really to noticeable.

I generally do go pretty slow with the drill, and i'll use a C clamp or a table clamp to hold it steady, its just holding the drill at the exact same angle for both holes that I guess I have a problem with.

a Drill Press has been suggested to me before, i've been told it'd be a good investment. Can't see myself affording one anytime soon tho.

August 02, 2010, 09:39:46 PM
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What I notice is the same as you...I had problems making them even...they always went off center...what I do now is drill a very small hole with a small BIT with my drill...then use the size I want fo my holes and for some reason they seem to stay on track...

guess you can always try that...

August 02, 2010, 10:33:48 PM
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With the side bores I drill half way in from one side then half way in with the other. This goes pretty accurate.

With the top one I used to make similar mistakes. I bought a set of needle files with a handle that I can slot into my drill, if it starts to go off centre then file it to even it out. This works for me every time now.

Another idea is to get a friend to make sure you are straight from all angles.

August 03, 2010, 03:17:51 AM
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maybe using a ruler and clamp may help..  :hide:
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August 03, 2010, 05:06:39 AM
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Kinda crazy idea but it seems like it may work.  You could take a socket like any of these(

Find the one that fits kinda snug on your stick, then use the open hole in the socket as a guide(Might not have to be the final hole size you want but you can use it as a hole for a bigger size that keeps it straighter).....Idk :P  I may try it too, cause I cant ever get clean even holes either.

August 03, 2010, 05:23:58 PM
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Drill Guide

there is some cheap ones on ebay

If you don't have a drill guide a bubble level or triangle square is pretty handy for keeping the drill level...

making a drill hole template in photoshop and taping it to the wood helps to keep it on center.
a guide hole with a small bit works really gomartgo explained.. :thumb:
for the side holes, drill both sides until the hole meets in the middle. like Seventh_He4ven explained :thumb:

cool ideal TuKongChucks...

I would get a drill guide to make things easier.... especially if your using exotic wood.  :chuck:

August 03, 2010, 05:42:02 PM
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Drilling Jig


August 03, 2010, 05:52:59 PM
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Drilling Jig


My thoughts on this:

"this is awesome.... I must buy one!!!.... I will be able to do million of stuff with this.... "check the website"... cool, here it is.... and the price....  :bleed :bleed ooops, I will have to search for another thing... $499 is too much for me  :oops: :oops: "

August 03, 2010, 06:42:03 PM
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My thoughts on this:

"this is awesome.... I must buy one!!!.... I will be able to do million of stuff with this.... "check the website"... cool, here it is.... and the price....  :bleed :bleed ooops, I will have to search for another thing... $499 is too much for me  :oops: :oops: "

that was very cool indeed...I wish I had one to...could make a million things with that...but like JM says...499$ is a bit too much for me...

August 03, 2010, 06:44:56 PM
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My thoughts on this:

"this is awesome.... I must buy one!!!.... I will be able to do million of stuff with this.... "check the website"... cool, here it is.... and the price....  :bleed :bleed ooops, I will have to search for another thing... $499 is too much for me  :oops: :oops: "

lol JM.... I looked up drill jig and thought it was a cool vid, damn the price.... :bleed  
There are drill jigs much cheaper, more of something like TuKongChucks described.  You could probably build one.

August 04, 2010, 11:12:30 PM
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Awesome guys, thanks for all the feedback! I'm going to give each and every one of these methods a go and see what comes out on top for me. Probably wont be able to afford a jig, but maybe I can find sombody with one.

The Im really intrigued by the socket idea, seems to make plenty sense. We'll just have to see.

I also never thought of a drill guide, and after checking those out on ebay, buying one might just be the best option.

August 05, 2010, 12:14:05 AM
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that jig is awsome. But what kinda price is that :lmfao: I'll stick to good old not giving too much of a toss  :-P