maybe we could have the different categories of fire and glow and regular chucks/weapons/poi.. but the fire category must be
ALL fire freestlye and the same for regular chucks (nothing but regular chucks/weapons/poi) and glow (nothing but glow freestyle) ect.
so in other words, if I wanted to do fire, I can but it must be nothing but fire chucks. Then I'll be competing against other people that want to do just fire chucks, instead of maybe 30 seconds of fire from one person, and 10 seconds of fire chucks from another person..
I don't know.... I always kinda thought it was a little (I guess "unfair" is the best word I can think of at the moment) that someone would get more votes just because they put 10 seconds of fire or glow in their video and the rest is just reg. chucks.
I hope I'm making since..

just thought I'd throw that out there to see what other people think.
Also, I'm not a big fan of the blindfold category.. to me that's like adding categories for people that chucks with shoes and people that chucks with out shoes, or with or without shirts, or a category for people that chuck outside with a beautiful background and a cat. for people that chuck indoors..
I just think it's over doing it, and it would be hard to regulate, not that we are a bunch of cheaters, but it could be easy to "cheat" this cat.